Entrepreneurs, Solo Professionals And Self-Employed Individuals Striving To Reach The Top And Who Are Serious About Their Success.
From: Steve Scott
Re: 5 Month Training Program
"The Keys And Steps To Small Business Success: A Definitive Guide To A Better Business And A Better You"
Let Me Show You That with a Better Process You Can Put the odds in
your favor of finding the career or position you desire
Most people who are in business or who are thinking of starting a business really don't know where they are truly at. Even worse, they are not ready to be successful. Or they may be enjoying some measure of success now but their path is slowly taking them in the direction of failure.
Starting or running a small business is a huge challenge. I have created companies with as many as 80 employees. Believe me, I know all the hurdles, challenges to building and growing a business. I know what it is like to be riding high in the morning and to feel like you have been cut off at the knees in the afternoon.
Yes, starting or running small business can be a rollercoaster, stomach churning adventure. But, it doesn't have to be that way. Yet, most small business owners keep it that way because they don't understand or know what they need to do. The sad truth is that eventually they fail, or burnout and then fail. Here is the sad truth. 89% of all small businesses will fail.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Over the past 20 years I have helped over 1,000 business owners not only prepare for success but create pathways to the success they desire.
Join Now While Memberships Are Still Available....
Yes, Steve, I want to start receiving my weekly lesson to learn how to start applying the keys to business and personal success. I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.
Your initial charge will be $27.00. You will then be charged $27.00/month for the next 5 months after your initial charge has been made.
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday!)
You will receive an email every week with a download link for your weekly .PDF lesson.
But, here's the dirty little secret that most of them did not know and you don't know either....
Most Of You Are Preparing To Fail And Don't Even Know It
- Do you know how to immediately recognize the small failures that get overlooked yet if not addressed, lead to the BIG FAILURE? The BIG FAILURE that knocks you down several months or years down the road and is there for everyone to see. Most people are successful at failing their way to the BIG FAILURE. You don't have to be one of them.
- Where is YOUR MOTIVATION taking you? Find out how to discover if your motivation is taking down a path to CROSS THE WRONG FINISH LINE. You would be surprised. I see it happen every day.
- Are you aware that MORE EDUCATION is very often a CAUSE OF FAILURE? People think I am crazy. Yet, it makes perfect sense when you understand what to look for and what to do about it.
- Would you like to have BETTER TIME MANAGEMENT? Your answer better be yes. If it is not, you won't grow and neither will your business. This is right at the top of the list at causing failure in business and when approached realistically, one of the easiest to correct.
- Are YOUR RELATIONSHIPS TAKING YOU TO SUCCESS? Most people tell me that they are. Yet, the facts and the truth is quite the opposite. Learn how to master the art of relationships and you will be a success.
With Your Membership In My Home Study Course:
you can start right now on the success track you desire. Here is some of the things you will learn to increase the odds of your success.
- How to recognize small failures and what you can do about them before they become too big and overwhelming.
- Increase the odds of your success by designing the business you want around what motivates and inspires you.
- What are the four disciplines you must learn to solve almost any problem.
- Keys to having more money.
- How to keep more money.
- Put the odds of success in your favor.
- Recognize and manage your relationships for the success you desire.
- The mindset you must have for success.
Here are some of the success points you will receive.
- Discover how to be clear about what you must do in the present to have the future you desire
- Accomplish building your foundation to be more
- Unleash the experience of having more in your business and life
- Crucial insights to earning more money and keeping it
- Personalized Attitude Keys that can move you more quickly to success
- Timely Techniques for overcoming challenges and problem solving
- Attract more business and how to do it
- Accomplish more in sales and marketing.
- What you send out will come back
- One attitude that will guaranty failure and how to avoid it
- Helpful points to drive your business to success
- How to create your own roadmap to accomplishing the future you desire
Each week over the next 20 weeks you will receive a link to the lesson for the week to move you toward having the business and life you desire.
Each lesson will focus on a topic to accelerate your forward movement and success. There will be an assignment to complete. Each assignment, will have a section of questions for you to answer and another section for the action steps you are going to take.
The lessons will build upon each other. But, you must carve out the time each week to work on them.
This course is specifically set up to enable you to succeed not only in the short-term but in the long-term. Each week as you complete a lesson you will have a sense of accomplishment while putting another piece in place for the foundation of your long-term success.
Each lesson is designed to be "To The Point"
and Immediately Actionable.
This is important because you will experience learning with results. The first lesson is coming your way immediately upon completing your order. Included in your first lesson.............
- Learn the first step to success and setting yourself free either by avoiding or getting off the treadmill or hamster wheel that can hold you back
- Recognize one of the critical keys to success and setting yourself free and staying free
- Accelerate your forward movement in your business and life by learning what holds most people back
- Receive a second key that must be applied in order to be successful. Without this key you cannot open the door of success
- Identify the action steps needed to start moving you forward immediately to having the business and life you desire
- Put a key building block in place for the foundation for your success
You'll get this instantly after you join below. Everything you need to begin and to get started on creating and experiencing your own success track is right here.
Want to know the best part? Check this out.
No More Paying Thousands Of Dollars....
Even If It Is In "4 Easy Payments"!
Some people teach others to learn. That's not me.
Some people teach others to accomplish. That's me.
I've been teaching this material to individuals since 2001. That's a long time. I have refined it, edited it. I have even discarded sections and written new ones. And, I know how things work. I could easily do what some of my contemporaries have done and make this some kind of high-ticket coaching program that sells for $1,697.00
And, in doing so, I'd make a lot of money. But, many good people wouldn't be able to take advantage of the offer simply because it wouldn't be in their budget.
Listen, I know. I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. I know what it's like to be deep in credit card debt. I know what it's like, more than I care to admit, to sink more and more money into empty promises. And, I know what it's like to be suckered into buying a high-priced item on an "easy" installment plan. I've been there and I know. Trust me, I know.
It is for that reason that I am not going to charge the thousands of dollars that I could charge for this program. Instead, I am going to make it a no-brainer, and I'm going to make it downright affordable for every budget.
The price for a subscription to The Keys And Steps To Small Business Success: A Definitive Guide To A Better Business And A Better You is just $27 per month. While the program is 5 months in length, you can cancel anytime you choose. If you're not seeing results, then it doesn't cost you anything.
"Steve, that's a bargain.....seriously....what's the catch?"
We both know that the $27 is a drop in the bucket. So, in keeping your guard up with a "suspicious mind" you'd have to ask the question, right? Well, truthfully, there is a catch.....
Only 500 (And Shrinking Fast) Members Will Be Accepted Into The Keys And Steps To Small Business Success
I have placed a cap on The Keys And Steps To Small Business Success program at 500 members. Once these initial memberships have been sold (and this will not take long) I will close the doors and no more memberships will be available.
You need to understand something about this--
I don't play marketing games.
This isn't some ploy. Ask around and you will find that I do what I say I am going to do.
If you want to join, the time to do it is right now before the big SOLD OUT sign goes up in the box below.
Ask yourself when it comes to your success and your future:
Is It Going To Make Any More Sense Tomorrow Than It Does Today To Invest In My Success?
(Warning: This offer will be removed without warning and it will likely be six more months before access is available.)
Your Money Will Be Returned At The Click Of A Mouse Button If You're Unhappy
Join Now While Memberships Are Still Available....
Yes, Steve, I want to start receiving my weekly lesson to learn how to start applying the keys to business and personal success. I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.
Your initial charge will be $27.00. You will then be charged $27.00/month for the next 5 months after your initial charge has been made.
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday!)
I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I believe it's one of the most important benefits to you by enrolling in The Keys And Steps To Small Business Success: A Definitive Guide To A Better Business And A Better You.
You are here to accomplish. Yes you will be learning. But, in my opinion, learning without accomplishment is nothing. Success is about accomplishment. And, accomplishment is about action.
If that doesn't excite you, it's probably time to kick back and eat some ice cream.....because this ain't for you.
But, if this does sound exactly like what you're looking for, let's get started right now.
After all, your success and the accomplishments that go with it are about taking action.
Steve Scott
P.S: If you are still undecided about joining, e-mail me at steve@businesskeystosuccess.com and I will personally answer your e-mail. Yes, I am a real, live human being just like you. I have doubts. I have fears. I have successes. And, my mission is to help you create the business, life and future you desire.
Again, I feel so strongly that when you fully commit to the The Keys And Steps To Small Business Success, A Definitive Guide To A Better Business And A Better You and commit to completing your assignments, that you will accelerate your progress to designing the business and life you want faster than you ever imagined. As a result you will step off the treadmill and stop being stuck, becoming more and having the business and life you want and deserve.