Achieving Success: Share Your Vision And Desires With Others

Achieving success in business and life and sharing this vision and desire with others is important.  The successful business owners and professionals I have had the privilege of working with share their vision and desire for success with others. 

How come this is important?  First of all I have never found a rich hermit.  You cannot succeed by going it alone. Keep your vision and desire for success to yourself and that is pretty much where it is going to go.  It will go no farther than you. 

Now it takes courage to stand up and say this is what I see and this is what I am going to do to achieve it.  It takes courage because, more often than not, someone will question you or try to knock you down.  Successful small business owners and professionals realize that this is part of the process. 

The process for achieving success includes being able to articulate your vision of it and what you desire.  And, the more you express it, the clearer it becomes.  This is important because as you go through the process your focus and what you have to do achieve your success become even more defined. 

 Let’s get back to the hermit.  A hermit pretty much keeps to himself and does not express his vision or desires to others.  As a result, since no one knows what he sees or what he wants, no one will help him get where he wants to go.  

The hermit approach to small business success doesn’t work.  The first step is to keep expressing your idea for the business and life you desire.  You will become sharper and sharper.  As your message gets very focused it will encourage others to support you.

For example, I had a client who needed office help.  He ran and ad and had several good applicants.  Yet, he was never able to keep the person he hired.  This went on for several months.  He would run the ad, hire an applicant.  A month or two later the new employee would quit.  

At this point, he became very frustrated.  He kept saying that he could never hire the right person or that the applicants didn’t meet his expectations.  One day, I asked him a question.  How’s that working for you?

After he expressed the fact that it wasn’t working he realized that “office help” was not what he really needed.  What he really needed was someone who could do bookkeeping and had extensive computer skills.  His new ads were more specific.  He got the right applicants and hired the right person who is still with him today. 

What brought him success in his hiring?  He got specific.  For others to support you, your vision and desires must be specific.  Only when you are specific can others help lift you up and support you and your business to help you achieve the small business growth and success you desire. 

Two points to take away are:

  1. Share your vision and desire for success with others.  It will sharpen you.  Don’t be a hermit.
  2. Be specific in expressing yourself.

When you are specific you will attract the right people to support your vision and desire for success and, more importantly, achieve it.

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