Before success comes in any man

“Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That’s exactly what the majority of men do.”– Napoleon Hill

I remember so well the sign over the door to our high school locker room. “A winner never quits. And a quitter never wins.” In athletic contests that certainly holds true.

Yet, in the rest of life learning when to quit and how to quit are essential skills that must be developed to have the growth we desire.

The truth is, that unlike the trees in nature that shed their leaves every year, we as human beings have been given a choice. Very often we end up holding onto or staying involved with people, things or organizations that are pulling us down, not lifting us up.

Yes, almost everyone has something or someone they would like to limit or delete. Take a look at your business and life and quit those things that aren’t working. It could be ideas that you have, processes you are involved with, a way of thinking or a relationship.

Regardless, you must master the art of quitting in order to grow. As the tree would tell you, it is impossible to grow when you are holding onto the old that is no longer working for you.

Become a quitter. If you look around, the most successful people know how to practice the art of quitting and make it part of their businesses and lives. Quitting is the first step to personal growth. When you quit you are saying I am ready for something new. I am ready to be challenged. I am ready to grow.

Going back to the quotation by Napoleon Hill: Quit not because something is hard and takes time. If you are on the right road to success persistence is the necessary ingredient.

Look at all areas of your business and life and find the roads that are leading nowhere. Only when you quit traveling down these roads will you be ready to be open to more of the possibilities that life has to offer.

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