Successful Small Business: Be A Builder And Not A Wrecker

Successful small business requires many ingredients.  You must have a good product or service.  And you must deliver it with a good marketing business plan.  And delivering your product or service with a positive attitude is a must.

Yet, in my business coaching practice I have seen that even with the right knowledge and great plans, many small businesses fail that should have succeeded.

Even worse is to watch a successful small business turn down the path to failure.  What was the missing critical ingredient?  It is having a positive long term vision of success.  

A positive long term vision of success is that of a builder who builds with care.  It’s that attitude of care that is critical. A builder measures and puts things together carefully in order for them to last.  A builder has a sound marketing business plan and follows it.

The flip side of the builder is the wrecker.  Interestingly, a wrecker also believes he has a positive attitude.  But, he is building for the short term.  Short term gain is his primary goal.   He neglects doing things right by not measuring carefully and by doing things too quickly. The result is a wreck, not only for him but for those who associate with him. 

Make sure that your attitude is that of a builder who is building with care for the long term success you desire.  There is a saying, “Practice makes perfect.”  But, in not following good business practices you will only perfect mediocrity.  

To grow small business you must do the little things right.  Too often, business owners start with the big things and meet failure.  Good small business growth is about mastering the small disciplines.  Only when you have mastered the small disciplines are you ready for growth. 

Practice diligently and well on mastering the small disciplines.  The reality is, “Practice makes permanent.”  And, having a good marketing business plan practiced regularly will give you a business that grows and more importantly, is permanent. 

Be a true builder in your small business.  Practice mastering the small disciplines.  When you do you are headed a positive direction to a better business and life.

I’d love to hear your views on attitude and success.

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