Business Keys To Success: Control

Control Your Internal Wheel

Control Your Internal Wheel

Control can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing.  For most people, the first thing they think of is that if I am in control that’s good and if someone else is then it is not.

Over years in my personal business coaching practice I have observed while collaborating with and supporting self-employed business owners, entrepreneurs, solo professionals, corporate managers, executives and individuals that most of them when they here the word “control” think of it externally.  Externally means either they are controlling someone or they are being controlled by someone.

To have small business success or any success for that matter, understanding and practicing internal control is essential.

Control What’s On The Inside

Yet, the most important control is not external.  It is internal.  Former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, one of the greatest coaches who ever lived, said, “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

Wooden was known for stressing excellence to his players and encouraging them to work toward their potential.  He understood that what was happening on the inside controlled what was manifested on the outside.

Focus On What’s Under Your Control

He never made winning a championship his goal.  He focused on the journey, not the destination.  He and his players focused on being the best they could be on the inside.  And he had some major challenges with his star players including his famous center, Bill Walton.

Yet his work ethic and focus on the things within his control and imparting that to his players earned his UCLA teams four undefeated seasons, an eighty-eighth game winning streak, and an incredible ten national championships.  No one had ever done that before him, and no one has done it since.

Control Is Necessary For Greater Success

Coach Wooden focused on the journey, not the destination.  As you move forward on your success journey you need to remember that what happens in you is more important than what happens to you.

You can control your attitudes as you travel on this journey but you need to remember that you have no control over the actions of others.  You may influence someone but you can’t control them.  Too often, people mistake influence for control and end up being disappointed.

Control Comes From Self-Education

As you move forward learning internal control is part of your self-education process.  It doesn’t come from online training, online courses, corporate training, continuing education or business training.  All of these can add to your perspective on control.  But ultimately control resides inside of you.

Be In Control And Reduce Stress

Unfortunately, the majority of the fear and stress that people experience in life is from things they can do nothing about.  Don’t let that happen to you.  Be in control.

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