Business Keys To Success: Developing Leaders

Leaders Develop Other LeadersWhen talking about leaders let’s start with the study of the obvious.  Leaders can only grow by leading more followers.  But, if you want to maximize your leadership as a self-employed business owner or entrepreneur, and help your organization reach its potential, you need to develop leaders.

Developing Leaders:  The Key To Explosive Growth

To have small business growth and success, the first leader you must develop is yourself. Remember, leadership is nothing more than influence.

To extend your influence examine how you can connect not just with the logical part of your business but with your employees emotional needs.  As a business growth coach and as most of you are well aware, a proven growth strategy for meteoric growth is to first to expand your thinking.

Leaders know that their businesses and lives will get no bigger than their thinking.

Leaders:  It’s About Developing A Team

Whether you are running a small business or starting up your own business the quicker you can develop a team the sooner you can put the foundation in place for growth.  Why is this important?

When you develop a team this becomes the training ground for future leaders to help you grow your business.  You will be better able to slot your team members to lead in areas where they use their gifts and abilities.

Leaders:  It’s About the Process

In personal business coaching I have observed many times that a good process can give you a great outcome.  Too often when developing leaders, the self-employed business owner focuses on the outcome instead of process.  The problem with this approach is that you may enjoy some temporary success but the problem is just that, it is temporary.

Good leaders come from a good process.  Make sure that your processes are good.  Process determines outcome.  And, a good process will let you identify and grow good leaders on a continuous basis.

In turn, your small business will grow.  As you develop leaders there is a multiplication process that takes place.  With a good process you know how to identify and promote the leaders who will take you and your business to greater heights.




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