Business Keys To Success For The Self-Employed: Make It Happen

Imagine you have someone who wants to learn about the keys to success.  Whether yoKeys To Successu are an entrepreneur, solo professional or self-employed business owner most of you would jump at the opportunity to be more successful.  You would readily grab the keys to success.

And one of the ways you can go about having more business success is to get more education.  Today, unlike any other time in our history, there is an abundance of information and education about small business success.  Whether you need a marketing business plan, personnel policies, accounting or sales strategies you can find good information readily.  

Keys To Success:  Education?

Yet, with all this education, the business failure rate has remained unchanged for the last thirty years.  The keys to success for the self-employed seem to remain as elusive as ever. 

What’s happening to all those aspiring entrepreneurs, solo professionals and self-employed business owners? 

My observations and experience as a business coach and from being involved for many years in business coaching, tell me that too many business owners believe that the keys to success lie in more education, courses and training.  Unfortunately, they are learning but at the same time they are doing something deadly, procrastinating.  

Keys To Success:  Everything Must Be Right?

That’s right!  Somehow they believe that one of the keys to success is to have everything right before they act.  They feel that everything has to be right before they act.  Whether you are starting your own business or running a small business the keys to success have one foundation…..taking action.  

Keys To Success:  Making It Happen

You may have heard the following phrase: 

Some people make it happen.

Some people watch it happen.

And some people say, what happened. 

Procrastination in the name of getting more education is not one of the keys to success. In the end it will give you too much of nothing.  Too much of nothing because the opportunities for business success can pass you by while you are making sure that everything is right before you act.  As a result, when you do act it is too late and you may end up with nothing.  

As General Douglas McArthur once said: 

“All military defeats can be explained by two words.  Too late.” 

Too late in anticipating the problem.

Too late in coming up with a plan to solve the problem.

And, too late in executing the plan. 

Procrastination is about being too late.  In my Business Keys To Success membership course I examine procrastination and what you can do to take action and make it happen.  This is not formal education.  This is self-education or self-coaching.  You go at your own pace.  

You will learn solutions and discover insights, the keys to success, to take you and your business forward.  What you learn is not what you will get in school.  After all, for most of us, formal education will make you a living.  Self-education, which is what the Business Keys To Success membership course is about, may help you make a fortune.  

Once again it is up to you.  The keys to success are all founded on action.  The Business Keys To Success membership course will act as a guide to taking the actions you want to take you to the next level.  Grab your copy today at and start making it happen.  

After all, is it going to make any more sense tomorrow than it does today to get started on unlocking your own personal keys to success?  Procrastination and indecision are the twin thieves of opportunity. The keys to success are yours when you take action.

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