Business Keys To Success: Leadership Is Empowerment

Empowerment Yields GrowthOver the years my best leaders whether it be in business, sports or volunteer organizations are the ones who practice empowerment.  Leaders come in all shapes and sizes.

And, even with all the online training, corporate training, business courses and business skills training developing great leadership that leads to the empowerment of others is not that easy to find.

What Is Empowerment?

In my personal business coaching practice and in my businesses I have learned that there are several ways to look at empowerment.  The definition of empowerment has a couple of different angles.  The one that I like best and which I have found works best for my personal business coaching clients who are self-employed business owners, entrepreneurs, solo professionals and corporate executives is this:

Empowerment is: “To equip or supply with an ability; enable.  More specifically, empowerment is the giving of an ability, enablement or permission.

Empowerment And Leadership

A leader is great not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others.  Success without anybody to take over once you move on is not success, but failure.

Empowering others allows you to build a team for future small business success and growth.  In the corporate world empowerment has the same benefits.

Loyalty to the leader reaches its highest peak when the follower has personally grown through the mentorship of the leader.  Why?  You may have won people’s minds but with empowerment you will also win their hearts.

Empowerment Makes You A People Person

Since leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less it is important to amplify your leadership skills by being a people person.  The last time I checked, leadership and its effectiveness is all about building relationships.

When you lead and empower others it builds a bond of loyalty.  It also enables you to more easily introduce and implement positive change.

To have the greatest influence as a leader practice the art of empowerment.



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