Business Keys To Success: Leadership Summary


Leadership: It's In The Stars

In the three previous posts on leadership we have looked at several aspects of leadership.  Leadership is influence.  Also, leadership is caught, not taught.  In keeping with catching leadership it is important to find a model to emulate.

Leadership Review

One of the things to look at is whether the person you want to model deserves a following.  This is about the quality of character.  Leadership without character is causes bad things to happen.  Stay away from flawed character.

Secondly, does the person you want to model have a following?  If they have a following this means they have some credibility.  It is up to you to determine how much credibility.

Third, what is the main strength that causes others to follow your model?  Take a look at strengths and weaknesses.  Be sure to accentuate the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.

Fourth, does your model produce other leaders?  If not, this is probably not a good place to be for building a team.  If you are looking for personal or small business growth you want to be able to produce other leaders.  And, now it is time for the last two questions to the leadership question.

Leadership—Is My Model’s Strength Reproducible?

If you are looking at growth strategies for small business and you aren’t capable of reproducing them then there is no benefit.  Likewise if you can’t reproduce your model’s strengths then there is no benefit.  But don’t be too quick in your judgment.  Most strengths are reproducible.

Leadership—Is The Strength Is Reproducible In Your Life?

If the strength is reproducible in your life the question you must ask is this.  What steps must I take to develop and demonstrate that strength?  As a personal business coach collaborating with self-employed business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals I have observed that this is where there is a disconnect.

One of the keys to attaining goals is to have clear action steps.  One of the keys to good leadership is to have a vision with general action steps.  Getting back to you, if you can’t lead yourself it is difficult to be a leader to others.

Whether you are starting your own business, running a small business or are an individual looking for a growth strategy it is critical to have a plan with steps.  Leadership involves many things.  Find a good model.

But, the first step is to master your self.  That is the biggest conquest.  And, when you do you will be taking positive steps to becoming a leader.  Only then can you impart leadership to others.



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