The world has never seen a great leader in the world or in business who has lacked commitment. If you want to be an effective leader, you have to be committed. Why? True commitment will attract Read More
Very often we make decisions without even thinking about the context in which we are making them. This can lead to some bad consequences. Are things going well? Are they going badly? Are you under a lot of stress? Remember there is Read More
“Discernment can be described as the ability to find the root of the matter, and it relies on intuition as well as rational thought. Discernment is an indispensable quality for any leader who desires to maximize effectiveness.”—John Maxwell In “The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader” Maxwell goes onto talk about the value of practicing Read More
Passion certainly makes things you more interested in whatever you are involved in at the moment. When you are displaying passion in response to a person, situation or event you are definitely Read More
Being approachable over my career has brought me opportunities and contacts I could never have imagined. I attribute much of the success I have experienced and continue to experience to being approachable. Obviously there are other important factors. But being approachable and having the ability to connect are in the top five. Opportunity for a Read More
Your attitude determines what you value. And when it comes to people it is no different. Human relations expert Les Giblin remarked, “You can’t make the other fellow feel important in your presence if you secretly feel that he is a nobody.” Isn’t that true? I think you would agree that you find it difficult Read More
Character counts. Character matters. We have heard these phrases over and over. John Maxwell in “The 21 Indispensable Qualities Of A Leader” asks the following question: “Have you ever seen highly talented people suddenly fall apart when they achieved a certain level of success? I know in my personal business coaching practice that collaborates with Read More
Enlarging others is an important key to success. As a young employee and ultimately business owner I was striving for success and somehow it was always painful. It turned out that I had the wrong attitude. Instead of enlarging others I was always Read More
At this time in my life, virtually everything I do is a team effort. In my personal business coaching, public speaking and career coaching I have a team to support me. But, when I was younger, Read More
Life is full of surprises, and the adjustment of our attitudes is a lifelong project. Think about your destiny in business and life. It will never be determined by our complaining spirits or high expectations. In my business coaching practice and in my own life I had to come face to face with my attitudes. Read More