
John Maxwell in reflecting on how to win with people say to get out of your “own little world.”

In order to connect with more people in a positive way you always need to be expanding your view. Otherwise the types of relationships you have will have a great deal of sameness and not add to this adventure called life.

How do you go about connecting with more people on different levels?

If you have a narrow view of people, go places you have never gone, meet the kinds of people you do not know, and do things you have not done before.

Step out of your comfort zone. The comfort zone, if not expanded whether it is in business, life or relationships becomes the zone of mediocrity.

If you go new places, meet new people and step out of your comfort zone you will change your perspective. Change your perspective and you will change your thinking. And when you change your thinking it will start changing your habits in how you relate to others.

Now, with these new experiences and connections you will see the bigger picture and how better to relate to others.

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