In Your Small Business What Is The Influence Of Your Relationships?

In your small business, are your relationships holding you back or are they moving your forward?  When you are a small business owner you will end up having some relationships that you would not have if it weren’t for your business.

In all probability, your response to this statement is that this is true.  Yes, being self-employed allows us the opportunity to form bonds with many different people.

And, very often a number of these relationships that we have exist in the name of business.  These are not people you would associate with in your private life.

The key is to recognize this and to limit your exposure to the ones with which you are not comfortable.  Small business success depends on you knowing that there are three things you can do with any relationship.

1.  You can expand it.

2.  You can limit it.

3.  You can delete it.

The key is to decide on the right action for each.

It is important to remember that each person with whom you have significant contact, will touch, shape and mold you.  Be aware of what really works for you and what doesn’t.  Make it a point to direct your business and life to relationships that are beneficial to you.

Contrary to popular belief success in small business is about being true to who you are.  When people truly know who you are it is easier for them to be attracted to you and what you do.

When a small business owner tries to be all things to all people there very often is a loss of identity not only for the owner but for the business.  When customers are uncertain about you or your business it causes them to be more cautious about doing business with you.

Be clear about who you and your small business are.  Let your relationships define in a positive way who you and your small business are.  When you let the right people touch, shape and mold you to be better your chances for success improve greatly.

Trying to be all things to all people does not work.  It will only serve to splinter you in terms of time and energy.

The secret to having the success you desire is to only do business with the people who want to do business with you.  When you are clear about yourself and have relationships that define you in a positive manner this is much more likely to happen.

What are your thoughts on relationships?

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