Intelligent Action

People often ask how they can make better decisions? How can they make better choices?

The answer is to make the future part of your current philosophy. With a picture of the future you desire both personally and professionally you will now be guided to make better decisions in the present.

When faced with a decision all you have to do is ask, “Is this leading me to the future I desire?”

If it is not, don’t do it. If it is the proceed.

But there is one thing that can get in the way. It is the past. Use the past as a guide as to how to move toward the future you desire. When you use the past as a guide and as a school, and not as a club on yourself about would have, could have or should have been, you will move forward.

You can now choose to take intelligent action in the present to create pathways to the future you desire. Intelligent action in the present revolves around one thing, clarity.

Once the future is finished in your mind, then what you need to do in the present becomes absolutely clear. When you are absolutely clear you will take intelligent action.

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