Is Success About How You Start Or Is It About………?

Is how one starts a business a determinant of whether or not it is going to be successful?  Granted, how you start is important.  And, if in starting your business it has too many detours or setbacks it can be fatal.

In reality, small business growth and success are about much more.  The truth about small business success and growth is that they are similar to going to school.  Every day you are self-employed is a day in class.  Are you paying attention to the lessons you are being given?  Are you doing the homework?  Are you passing the exams?

Small business success and growth are like growing in school.

Think about why they make the chairs in fourth grade so small.

They are telling you to make measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time.

To graduate to something better in your small business you must make measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time.  Every day there is a lesson to be learned.  What you do with that lesson is your homework.  The exam result is whether or not you took what you learned from the lesson and your homework and applied it successfully to grow yourself and your business.

Did you learn every lesson well in school?  Did you always do the homework?  Did you pass every exam?  If you are like most people, you started out with some failures along the way.

The same is true for small business.  Failure is part of the small business success formula.  Similar to school you will have some failures along the way.  Don’t dwell on those.  Learn from them and move on to the next assignment.   When you do, you and your business will graduate to the next higher level giving you more of the success you desire.

Remember success is not about how you start.  It’s about how you finish.

I would like to hear your experiences of growing from where you started and how you finished.

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