Is Your Flight Plan Lifting You To Success Or………

What is your flight plan for starting your own business? And, will that plan lift you above the clouds to the success you desire?

Are you starting with only a partial flight plan?  To have the success you desire you must have a startup business plan.

First, design what you want the business to look like.  It is like designing an airplane.  In fact, you build it according to a definite plan that has been proven to be successful.

To this point all is good.  Now you get the plane on the runway and prepare to take off.  Likewise you are ready to start and are ready to open and take off.  This part is your small business marketing plan.  This will provide the necessary fuel to take off.

The flight plan for the plane says that it must reach 100 miles per hour to take off.   Similarly, the small business marketing plan for starting up states you must attain, for example, $100 in sales for it to take off.  All your marketing plan has to do is bring in $100 in sales. At this point, to have a successful take off, or to successfully launch, you must have momentum.

Momentum is what will carry you forward.

Momentum will accelerate the pace for a successful take off for your plane and a successful opening for your small business.  All systems are go for the plane.  And, it has the fuel to take off.  Where do you get the fuel?  You receive it from executing your small business marketing plan.

Very often the flight plan is good to the point where the you are now ready to open.  All systems are go except for one thing.  There is not an adequate amount of advertising and marketing to have the sales that your business needs to take off and get above the clouds to the success you desire.

Always provide enough fuel to your business to keep your momentum.

Make sure your business takes off by providing enough fuel in your flight plan for advertising and marketing.  Potential failure comes from insufficient fuel, which is the marketing and advertising that is necessary to build the momentum and positive forward movement to lift and take off to success and profitability.

I’d like to know your thoughts on momentum and success.

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