Keys To Business Success: Your Leadership Model

Leadership Model

Leadership Model-Are your pins in order?

Who’s your leadership model?  In John Maxwells’ book, Developing the Leaders Around You, he emphasizes that you must give much thought to which leaders you will follow.  Why?  The leadership model you follow will determine your course.

Who Is Your Leadership Model?

When I talk about a leadership model what am I referring to?  Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional seeking greater personal and small business success it is important that you find the right mentors.

Find people who exemplify the emotional, intellectual and character qualities that will take you to the next level.  Out of these three, as a personal business coach, I encourage my clients to focus first and foremost on character.

Why?  You may love their logic, their intellect.  You may love their passion, their emotion.  But without good character you are building the foundation of your leadership model upon sand.  It will not last.  Without good character the rest doesn’t matter.

Leadership Model Questions From John Maxwell

  1. Does my leadership model’s life deserve a following?
  2. Does my leader model’s life have a following?
  3. What is the main strength the influences others to follow my model?
  4. Does my leadership model produce other leaders?
  5. Is my leadership model’s strength reproducible in my life?
  6. If my model’s strength is reproducible in my life, what steps must I take to develop and demonstrate that strength?

Find Your Leadership Model

Throughout my life I have had different leadership models.  What is interesting is that someone who was a leadership model ten years ago may not be a leadership model now.  Leadership models will change.  Why?  As you grow and change your need for a different leadership model will often have to change to support that growth.

Whether you are seeking growth in business, personal growth or just a growth strategy in leadership you must let go of the old in order for the new to enter.  Just as a tree sheds its leaves every year, we too, as humans must shed what is no longer useful.  Unlike the tree you have a choice.

Part of creating a great leadership model is exercising your power of choice.  Part of great leadership is making wise choices.  Choose wisely.  Your leadership model will be as you wish.





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