Keys To Success: A Reputation To Uphold


Reputation Is How You Lead And How You Manage

 In a previous post we looked at reputation and how a good reputation is integral to small business and personal success. In the end, reputation is about the character of you and your business, as perceived by others.  And, character is the result of two attributes, ability and dependability. 

Here are some other aspects to reputation.  Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional the ripple effects of reputation in building the foundation for a successful business and life are profound.

Reputation—The Motivator

Quite simply, when you are focused on enhancing, maintaining or promoting your good reputation you are more likely to do the right thing.  Having a good reputation is motivation for doing the right thing.  You are motivated to do make decisions for your business and clients based on what’s right, not what’s easy. 

If business and life were easy all of us would be successful.  You build your reputation for you and your business by doing the right thing and finding ways to do what you do at a higher level. 

Reputation—Embracing Change  

One of the constants in business and life is change.  You either embrace change or it will eventually run over you.  How often have you seen businesses that flourished for a long time that over time decline and fail?  If you are like me you see it quite often. 

Obviously, failure can happen for many reasons. But, one of the biggest reasons for failure is the inability or unwillingness to embrace change that will enable you and your business to do things better and enhance your reputation. 

All you have to do is look at the companies who have survived for decades.  Every single one of them had to embrace change.  Now, I am not saying it was easy.  Yes, there was resistance.  Resistance to change is common.  But, in the end change was implemented. To keep and enhance your good reputation, you must change.

Reputation—Give Others A Reputation To Hold Up 

If you look at some of the most successful companies and sports teams they are always finding ways to inspire their employees and players.  The New York Yankees have a tradition of excellence.  Years ago, a manager for the Yankees wanted rookie players to know what a privilege it was to play for the team.  He used to tell them, “Boys, it’s an honor just to put on the New York pinstripes.  So when you put them on, play like world champions.  Play like Yankees.  Play proud.”

If you are running a small business or starting your own business and are going to grow it is important that the people you hire feel a responsibility to uphold the reputation of you and your business. 

The key to making this happen is to conduct yourself as a person of good reputation.  Too often, in my personal business coaching practice, I have seen small business owners who have a disconnect between the reputation they want for their business and their own reputation. 

Give yourself a good reputation to hold up to yourself and others. Get your reputation right and the success you seek in business and personally are more likely to happen.

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