Keys To Success: An Attitude Of Competence

Competence-Your Light Shines Brightly

Competence-You Shine A Bright Light Of Accomplishment

In the previous post we learned that competence means performing at a high level and more importantly, doing it consistently.  Most people can have flashes of competence.  What takes you from being average to above average or exceptional is to display a high level of competence not only in what you do but in how you handle your life. 

It is de-energizing to be outstanding in one area, and yet have others which are pulling you down.  Over time, as your energy wanes this becomes a prescription for poor performance. 

Whether you are an individual, working for a company, self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional striving for competence in as many areas as possible will improve your life. Competence will allow you to maintain a high level of energy and to be productive. 

In running a small business or even dealing with the daily challenges of life developing your competence can be the difference leading you to have a successful small business and a rewarding life. 

Keeping A High Level Of Competence 

How do you keep a high level of competence?  It is in your attitude.  Attitude determines how you believe about your work, your life and yourself.  As a personal business coach, I am going to take a look at some areas that will help you not only maintain a high level of competence but to enhance it.  

A good attitude about who we are, what we do and how we do it is not only a key to success but the foundation for competence which brings us success, happiness and satisfaction. 

Competence—Keep Improving 

Highly competent people search for ways to add to their learning.  Their desire is to keep growing and improving.  They know that learning makes them larger.  It allows them to become more.  And when they become more, they increase their value and more opportunity will be open to them.  

As John Maxwell points out, the person who always keeps improving is asking “why.”  The person who knows “how” will always have a job.  The person who knows “why” will always be the leader.  This is the person who is competent and always keeps improving. 

Competence—Follow Through 

Competent people always follow through.  But they just don’t have average follow through.  Their follow through is exceptional.  Competence will allow you to lead. 

When someone gives you a project or a challenge and you follow through at a high level you are showing your ability to lead.  Excellent follow through is expected of leaders. 

Competence—Give More Than Expected 

Giving more or accomplishing more than expected is part of being a highly competent person.  Highly competent people lead by doing a little bit more than the others. 

And, very often they do a whole lot more.  They have an attitude of better is best.  Good enough is never good enough.  Every day they look to not only do the job but to do a little bit more. 

Competence—Inspiring Others 

Highly competent leaders not only have a high level of performance, they inspire and motivate others to perform at a high level.  They don’t rely on relational skills alone.  They combine their relational skills with a high level of competence to take themselves and their organizations to new levels of excellence and influence.

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