Keys To Success: Be The Initiator In Business Networking

Business Networking

Business Networking-Join Together To Be More

As a personal business coach most of my clients do some business networking.  They see it as important component to marketing themselves and their business. 

Business Networking—A Quick Summary

To recap the last post on business networking let’s review a few points.

  1. The goal of business networking is to bring more business
  2. Good business networking is built on strengthening relationships by focusing on the human being more than the human doing.
  3. For business networking to bear fruit you must be in the right groups.
  4. Most of the time we are in the right groups.  It is up to you to change your approach to get the most out of your business networking through building great relationships.
  5. Successful business networking is about consistently showing up and being persistent in learning about other human beings. 

Successful Business Networking—Be The Initiator

How often have you gone to new business networking group and you feel uncomfortable.  That has happened to most of us.  We stand back. We observe.  And, hope that someone finds us interesting enough to come over to engage us. 

If you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an executive or manager with a larger company it is imperative that you take the initiative.  You must be the initiator to start gaining benefit from your business networking. 

Especially if you are running a small business you are the face and the main marketing asset of your company.  People aren’t going to see or know that asset if you stand in the corner. 

When you go to a group make a point to be the initiator.  Go and introduce yourself to at least 2 people you don’t know.  The goal at the end of a networking event is not more business.  The goal is did you either establish a new relationship or strengthen an existing relationship. 

Being the initiator will almost guarantee that you time is well spent.  After all, you can spend more money, but you can’t spend more time.  Your networking time is valuable.

Business Networking—Don’t Be The Initiated

If you have ever joined a fraternity, sorority or an organization with formal rituals for induction you know that the initiation process can be intimidating.  Too often, small business owners and individuals look at going to a networking meeting like an initiation process. 

An initiation process in that they somehow hope they can break into some of the cliques and groups that already exist and feel more a part of the business networking event.  Everyone wants to be accepted. 

But do you want to be accepted on your terms or someone else’s criteria?  In the generally free flowing business networking environment it is better for you to chart your path. 

You could wait for a long time to become part of the group and benefit from its members.  Generally, if you leave it up to someone else they won’t have much interest or much planned for you. 

Business Networking—Action Cures Fear

The next time you have a business networking event be the initiator.  Step up and step out.  Be the initiator of the conversation.  Focus on the human being.  Take an interest in who others are, not just what they do. 

In so doing, you will build better relationships.  Better relationships increase the probability that when the time comes for others to use your product or service they will think of you.  Be consistent and persistent in your business networking and it will be more likely that you will see good results in your business and life.

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