Keys To Success-Breakthrough

Breakthrough--It Lines Up

Breakthrough--It Lines Up

In John Maxwell’s book, Failing Forward there is a discussion on the concept of the breakthrough.  More often than not whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual a breakthrough occurs when we see something in a new light to increase our productivity, profits, overcome a fear or see the truth through the clouds of our busy daily existences that can cause us to lose perspective.

As a growth and personal development coach I have had the privilege of watching the breakthrough occur not only in my client’s lives but my own.

Breakthrough—Be Persistent

In this section, Maxwell points out that one of the best teachers of persistence is your life’s critical turning points.  When you are up against something that seems insurmountable or that hasn’t changed in a long time be persistent.

Always be looking for ways to overcome the challenges life throws at us.  Sometimes it merely takes a change in our thinking.  On other occasions it can take a change in our thinking which causes us to act differently.

Whether you are seeking greater personal growth, small business growth or small business success you must be persistent.  Only when you are persistent in your actions to overcome can you experience the breakthrough.

Breakthrough—When The Transition Occurs

Maxwell cites a consultant, Dick Biggs who consults with Fortune 500 companies to improve profits and increase productivity.  Biggs believes as Maxwell that persistence is critical to having a turning point that leads to a breakthrough.

He adds that…”You can expect 3 to 9 turning points or “significant changes” in your life.  These transitions can be happy experiences….or unhappy times such as job losses, divorce, financial setbacks, health problems and the death of loved ones.”

In personal business coaching I am always collaborating with my clients to find a turning point for a breakthrough to greater success, happiness, profitability or whatever they desire.  The point is that the breakthrough does not occur often but when it does, it has a significant and long lasting impact.

Breakthrough—A Turning Point

A breakthrough is definitely a turning point.  A turning point is where you, your life and your business will never be the same.  A turning point that leads to a breakthrough can only occur with persistence.

Turning points provide perspective which is the ability to view major changes within the larger framework of your lifetime and let the healing power of time prevail.

When you learn from your turning points and the subsequent breakthrough you can grow at a deeper level within your career and your life.

As you pursue your next breakthrough remember a couple of things.  Acknowledge your past and any pain that is there.  Forgive those who have brought this pain.  Forgive yourself if you have brought pain on yourself.

Only through forgiveness may you begin to use the past as a school instead of a weapon on yourself.  Let your personal history be a lesson and not your hostage keeper.  Keep this in mind and you will encounter your next breakthrough and turning point sooner than you think and take yourself to the business and life you desire.  Take that first step, even if you don’t see the stair and you will be one step closer to having a breakthrough.



One comment on “Keys To Success-Breakthrough

  1. Allan N. Mulholland on said:

    Hello Steve,
    Excellent post! A “turning point” allows us to re-assess some of the choices we made in the Past. Often, these choices from the Past did not deliver the desired results, so we must go back to a “Restore Point” that will allow us to re-define our personal and business/career objectives and to chose a different direction for our life! I created a short video on how we can do exactly that! It’s called “The Restore Point” and you can view at
    I’d love to get your feedback on this short video!
    Live & Love Without Limits!
    Allan N. Mulholland

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