Keys To Success: Commitment

Commitment-Dart On Center

Commitment: Are You Hitting Your Target?

A great deal has been written about commitment as one of the keys to success.  There are stories from history where individuals and groups showed commitment to accomplish their goals. 

In the 1500’s Hernando Cortez went on an expedition to conquer Mexico.  He commanded a fleet of ships that left the Spanish colony of Cuba. Cortes and his men arrived on the shores of Mexico ready to conquer and colonize Mexico for the Spanish king

There was only one problem.  Cortez’s men had grown accustomed to the good life in Cuba.  There was no good life in Mexico.  His men started to talk of returning to Cuba.  Cortez got wind of the impending mutiny.  One night he ordered his lieutenants to burn the ships. 

With the ships gone the men had no choice but to go along.  In the end, because of Cortez’s commitment they were successful in claiming Mexico for Spain. 

Commitment:  It’s About A Better Life

Too often in business and life we get stuck in our comfort zone.  And, if we never get out of our comfort zone our lives are unfulfilling.  The comfort zone ends up being the zone of mediocrity.  Why?  There is no change and therefore no personal growth or development. 

Whether you are an individual, self-employed business owner, solo professional or entrepreneur the only way you can have a better business and life is to commit to stepping out of the comfort zone. 

You don’t have to do something dramatic like Cortez.  But, you do have to start somewhere.  Commit to some small goals.  As you accomplish them it will get you in shape to take on bigger ones.

Commitment:  It’s Not About Adversity

Very often clients tell me in my personal business coaching practice that they have learned about commitment through adversity.  My question to them:  Is there another way to learn about commitment?

The answer is yes.  Commitment comes from character.  Adversity reveals the character trait of commitment, or lack thereof. 

Commitment is also revealed by living your daily and business life on purpose.  Commitment isn’t an emotion.  Maybe you are running a small business.  Some days you may not feel committed.  But you do what you are supposed to do, regardless of how you feel, because you are committed to long-term success. 

Lack of Commitment:  It Can Create Adversity

Most of us have had negative things happen to us that are beyond our control.  No amount of commitment would have changed the outcome.  Yet, in many instances in our lives a lack of commitment is what creates the adversity or failure in our businesses and lives. 

Whether you are seeking individual growth or small business success you must embrace commitment.  Set goals and commit to accomplishing them within a definite period of time.  This will start building your commitment muscle.  Do something every day, regardless of how you feel, to move forward in accomplishing your goals.

Like Cortez, you may have to burn some ships, thoughts and things that are holding you back.  Only when you commit in the present to doing those things that will create the future you desire will you be on your path to greater success, satisfaction and happiness.  Commitment is the bridge to take your thoughts and turn them into accomplishments.

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