Keys To Success: Competence

Competence-What Picture Are You Painting?

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When looking at the keys to success, competence is one of the most common, yet the one that I have observed is difficult to master.  What is competence?  For many the definition of competence centers
on the ability to do something well. 

Competence:  More Than Doing Something Well

Let me add one other aspect of competence from my personal business coaching practice.  Competence is not only the ability to do something well.  It is to be able to do it well consistently.

In collaborating with individuals, self-employed business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals I have seen the results of competence play out.  Virtually every one of these people is talented.  They have great gifts and abilities. 

Competence:  Are You A Shooting Star?

Yet some are like shooting stars.  They shine brightly in business or life for a short period of time only to fade away.  Then there are the others who continue to shine and over time, shine even more brightly.

What’s the difference?  The ones who shine for short period of time are competent for a brief period.  The ones who shine over time are competent day in and day out.  In summary, ability is an important aspect of competence, but dependability in doing something well consistently, is critical

Maybe you have some wonderful individual goals.  Or, possibly you are seeking greater small business success or growth with a good marketing business plan or startup business plan.  No matter what your goals or plan they won’t work if you are not competent.

Competence:  Practice Makes Permanent

Competence is personal.  It affects all areas of your life.  It is a result of what you practice.  If you are competent in one area it lifts you up.  It lifts you up because when you are competent you are creating a “problem free zone.”

To be clear, a “problem free zone” that doesn’t mean you won’t encounter challenges. Maybe you have an occupation where you are handling problems and challenges.  It means that you are equipped to get through them and they don’t linger on for months or years.

What if you are competent in one area but incompetent in others?  Obviously, this is not good.  You have created or are allowing “problem zones.” You are not practicing well. No matter how well you do in one area you will be dragged down by those other areas where you are not performing well. 

The key is recognize those areas and either develop new skills and habits, change your approach, or remove the area by delegating it to someone else.  Developing new skills and habits is one of the best ways to take a “problem zone” and make it into a “problem free zone.”

Aspire for competence in all areas of your business and life.  Practice developing new skills, habits and ways of thinking to make your competence permanent.  After all the competent person is not like a shooting star that is bright for a short period of time and fades away. 

The competent person practices good habits and is consistent.  They understand that practice doesn’t make perfect.  They know that practice makes permanent.  They know that to be competent they must practice the good habits every day. 

Practice the art of competence daily and you will take your business and your life to new levels of growth, satisfaction and happiness.

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