Keys To Success: Develop The Talent You Have

Talent-Painting A Plate

What Are You Painting With Your Talent?

One of the most important keys to success is to develop the talent you have.  Especially in small business where in the beginning, the self-employed business owner has to wear many different hats, there is a desire and effort to develop talents that they don’t have. 

In coaching success, and as a personal business coach, I collaborate with business owners, managers and professionals to create pathways to accelerate the process of their successful performance.  One of the keys to success is to prioritize their time to work more in their strengths and where their talent resides.

Develop Talent:  Work In Your Strengths

One of the cornerstones to personal or small business success is to work in your strengths.  Much has been written showing how you can increase your effectiveness by working in your strengths.  In running a small business working in your strengths can be a challenge.  But, if you choose to meet the challenge the rewards can be immense.

Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or individual you will increase the odds of small business growth and small business success the sooner you can focus more in working in your strengths. 

The key to working in your strengths is to develop processes that encourage this. 

Talent:  How Much Can You Improve?

John Maxwell has observed that people can increase their abilities from their natural talent by only 2 points on a scale of 1 to 10.  For example, if your natural talent is a 4, with hard work you may rise to a 6. 

In other words you can go from a little below average to a little above average. 

Talent:  Harnessing The Key To Greater Success

Let’s go back to that scale of 1 to 10.  Let’s say that you have a talent you have identified as a 7.  According to Maxwell you have the potential to become a 9.  If this happens to be your greatest area of strength and you work exceptionally hard you may even become a 10

As Maxwell points out, here’s where something interesting happens.  You are already very talented at something.  Maybe that makes you in the whole world that 1 in 100,000.  When you think about the population of the whole world, being 1 in 100,000 is very, very good. 

Now, by working on your strength, your talent, you can go from 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 10,000.  But this will only happen if you do the other things to maximize your talent. 

One of those things is to delegate or let go of the things, wherever possible, that drag you down or slow you up.  All of us have a fixed amount of time. 

The more time you are able to spend where you have the greatest talent, the more you will increase the odds of your success.  To have the personal and small business success you desire, develop the talent you have, not the one you want.

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