Keys To Success: Develop Your Talent To Its Potential

Talent-Your Gem

Your Talent Is Your Gem

Is talent ever enough to have the success you desire?  In coaching success, I would state unequivocally that talent is enough, in the beginning.  Whether you are seeking personal or as a self-employed business owner, small business success having talent is a great place to start. 

Natural Talent:  One Of Life’s Greatest Gifts

Novelist Charles Wilson says, “No matter the size of the bottle, the cream always rises to the top.”  Yes, talent stands out.  It will get you noticed.  Natural talent will separate you from the rest of the pack in the beginning. 

It gives you a head start on others.  For that reason, natural talent is one of life’s greatest gifts.  But the advantage it gives you lasts only a short time. 

Talent:  It Must Be Developed

Songwriter Irving Berlin understood the truth that talent must be developed when he said, “The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success.”  Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual talent is only a good starting point. 

Irving Berlin went on to say, “Talent is only a starting point in business. You’ve got to keep working that talent.”  I am a personal business coach but I have also coached athletics. 

I have had the privilege of working with kids who had immense talent.  But, the ones who committed to working on their talent are the ones who stood out above the rest as time went on.  They may not have been the most talented to start with but with hard work, focus and perseverance they surpassed the kids who initially were perceived as having more talent. 

Talent:  You Must Keep The Advantage

To have the personal or small business success you desire you must keep your advantage. In running a small business this is critical to long-term success.  I see too many talented self-employed business owners start with an advantage over others only to lose that advantage because they rest on their talent instead of raising it. 

They assume that talent alone will keep them out front.  They don’t realize the truth:  If they merely “wing it” others will soon fly past them. 

Talent is more common than they think.  Best selling author Stephen King states that “talent is cheaper than table salt.  What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” 

Clearly, more than talent is needed for any one who wants to achieve success.  Be prepared to pay the price in other areas to develop your talent to its potential.

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