Keys To Success: Dreams

Dreams: Your Bridge To The Life You DesireDreams are a critical building block to your success.  Too often whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual you get so caught up in the every day “doings” of life.

When you are caught up in the “doing” very often you are sacrificing living for that to do list or the things in your mind that have to be done.  Dreams take the every day existence and turn it into something meaningful.

With your dreams for the future your life becomes an exciting journey instead of a daily grind or a slog through the mud.

Dreams—Create The Future You Desire

As a personal business coach one of the situations I see, that rears its head regularly for the small business owner, is burnout.  Whether you are starting your own business or running a small business burnout can easily happen.

How do you combat burnout?  Take time to create your dreams of the future you desire.  When you do this the present becomes more meaningful and exciting because you know your direction and your desired destination.

You may be caught up in the “doing”.  But you are “doing” with a purpose.  You are much less likely to burn out. With dreams for the future your daily work can become sweet, purposeful and fruitful.

Dreams—Bring Focus

Just as a magnifying glass when held steady under the light of the sun can cause a leaf or paper to burn, the same is true for your dreams.

Just like the magnifying glass, your dreams bring to all your efforts the power of focus.  Without dreams it is hard to focus and to attain the small business success or personal success you desire.

Dreams bring focus.  And focus, brings the extra energy to increase the odds of your dreams becoming an exciting reality.

Dreams—To Be Continued

All of us have watched a story or movie on TV and at the end it says, “To be continued.”  The same must be true with our dreams.  They must be continued.

When you create your dreams for the future you desire you are providing the steam for the engine of your success.  As you achieve your dreams you must create new ones.  Life and business are not destinations.  They are journeys to be continued.

To bring the continuous enthusiasm to your life and your business create new dreams.  Take the time to reflect and evaluate.  Ask yourself, “Where do I want to go from here?”

Then dream about the person you need to become for your dreams to take place.  In order for your dreams to become reality you must become the person that can accomplish them.

As Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”  Dream big.  Dream with conviction.

When you dream you are increasing your personal growth and personal development.  Dreams are your first step on the staircase to the success and abundance you desire.




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