Keys To Success: Improving Your Preparation

Preparation Takes Thought

Preparation Is In Your Thinking

There is a saying that luck is when preparation meets opportunity.  What is really being said is that the odds of having good luck increase greatly when you have good preparation.

As a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional there are times when you have to wing it.  But if you have to wing it too often you will wear out yourself, your clients and your employees.

As a business growth coach one of the keys to growing is preparation.

Preparation—A Test

Preparation is similar to studying for a test.  The more you prepare the more likely you are to pass and be successful.  The same is true in small business and life.  Small business success comes when you are prepared.

Preparation allows you to pass the test for the next stages in small business growth and success.  Winging it whether you are studying for an exam or running a small business will more often than not end in failure.

Study for small business success and growth and you are more likely to move to the next level.

Preparation—Think About The Process

In business performance coaching the one thread that is common to all small business success is to have a process.  And, to have greater success you must improve the process.

Getting ready requires thinking ahead and realizing what you will need later.  Too often whether you are starting your own business or running a small business too many things are done out of reaction instead of from planning.

When you are running your business out of reaction then there is a lack of preparation.  Preparation allows you to have more control over the processes for handling what comes up.

When you are running a small business, or any business, for that matter, by always having to react you are running it based on instinct.  To be successful you must run on process, not instinct.

Preparation—Creating The Process

What is the mental preparation necessary to run a small business on process?  First, you must think ahead and recognize now what you are going to need later.

Create a system or list for yourself that will help you mentally walk through any process ahead of time, breaking tasks down into steps.  Then determine what preparation will be required to complete each step.

Preparation—Improving The Process

Once you have a good process then look for ways to improve it.  Preparation for improving the process involves doing more research.  Research is the only way to improve yourself and your business.

Discover some of the research tools that others use in your type of business and educate yourself on becoming more expert at using them.

Good luck comes more often when preparation does meet opportunity.  One of the greatest preparation tools is your own experience.  All of us know of our mistakes when completing a project or overcoming a challenge.

Preparation from your own experience is one of the best teachers.  To have better preparation very often you need more experiences.  Embrace business and personal development.  That is the best preparation for creating the foundation for your future growth and success.

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