Keys To Success: It Is Up To You

Keys To SuccessSuccessful people know one of the most important keys to success.  There is an old adage that says, “If it is to be, it is up to me.”  Most people who experience small business success or any success, for that matter, understand that it is up to them.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, solo professional, a self-employed business owner or an individual working with a company, this means that you take responsibility for your life and your success. 

Keys To Success-Do It Now

Too often, people look to others or special circumstances to give them the opportunity.  They live safely and from a scarcity mentality.  They wait and wait.  And before they know it most of their life is gone. 

The first part of the keys to success is to know what you want.  The second part is to go after it and start working on it now.  Someday, sometime is about failure and leads to the pain of regret.

Keys To Success-You Get To Choose Your Life

In business coaching, one of the keys to success is to have people understand that their life is a choice.  If you are a tree in a forest you don’t have a choice.  You can’t get up and move.  You can’t change your circumstances or things.  As a human being, you have that power.  You can change things.  It is up to you. 

You can chart your own destiny.  Now that’s exciting.  And, in running a small business or starting your own business you get to do just that, chart your own destiny. 

Keys To Success-You Can Reap What You Sow

In coaching success I like to tell the story of the parable of the sower.  In short, the sower was a wise man.  He was highly ambitious and he had good seed.  He planted on the rocks and he planted on the sand.  Nothing good happened.  He didn’t let himself be distracted by the birds that ate the seed. 

He kept on planting and eventually planted on fertile ground.  And, he reaped a great harvest.  If you are looking for the keys to success in success planning one of the most important is to be persistent.  Be like the sower. 

Keys To Success-Choose To Succeed

This may sound very obvious.  After all, life is the study of the obvious.  If you don’t choose to succeed you have a rock solid guarantee that you won’t.  People choose not to succeed every day and yet they blame it on circumstances, things and other people. 

As a personal business coach I can assure you that one of the keys to success is to understand that it is your choice.  How do we miss making the choice for success?  Think about this.  How often have you told yourself that you “can’t” do something?  Probably, if you are like most of us, the answer is quite often.  The truth is that most of the time it isn’t “can’t” that is holding us back.  It is “won’t.”

Know the difference between “can’t” and “won’t.”  Be honest with yourself about these two words.  When you are, you will realize that most of what determines your course is based on “won’t” and not on “can’t.”

There are many keys to success.  You must choose to succeed.  Success is your choice.  “If it is to be, it is up to me.”  When you understand and accept that your success is your choice, you will be using one of the keys to open all the other keys to success.

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