Keys To Success: Leadership Qualities


Leadership: Are You The Lead Egg?

When it comes to leadership there are many qualities one needs to master to be an effective leader.  Whether it be in your family at work or as a self-employed business owner your success in business in life will be dependent on how you choose to lead your most important asset, you.

Leadership:  Be Strong

In coaching success with individuals, self-employed business owners, executives, entrepreneurs and solo professionals I have observed that good leaders are strong.  Strong in this case means assertive.  Assertiveness is stating what you want. 

And, they state what they want more often than what they don’t want.  This is a key.  Leaders try to keep things positive.  And, they state what they want in a polite, but firm way. 

Leadership:  Be Bold

In my personal business coaching practice I believe boldness is an essential quality of leadership.  It is hard to maintain enthusiasm and momentum without being bold in creating pathways to your clear vision of the future.  Small business success or success of any type is much more likely to be accomplished with boldness and enthusiasm.

Whether you are putting together a business startup plan, marketing business plan or a personal project boldness adds an element of excitement and causes others to focus. 

This does not mean that you intimidate or bully others into your way of doing things.  If a problem comes your way, get out there and tackle it.  Set the example for others to follow.

Leadership is some ways is like planting a garden.  When you see the weeds, be bold and immediately pull them out.

Leadership:  Be Proud

In running a small business or in other areas of life I have met people who are proud of what they do and who they are.  Unfortunately, I have met many who have turned their pride into arrogance. 

Good leadership is about taking pride in doing things well.  It is not about being arrogant and always believing you are right.  All of us who have met people who think they are always right.  Or, they have a slightly better way that they feel compelled to share with you about the way you do things. 

Arrogance is a disease.  It will kill leadership.  It will erode your influence.  Inoculate yourself against arrogance by always having humility.  Humility will allow you to connect on an emotional level with others. 

After all there are two components to leadership.  One is the logical.  The other is the emotional.  If you concentrate on one at the expense of the other you won’t lead well. 

Be strong.  Be proud.  Be bold.  These are qualities of good leadership and will serve you well on your road to success.

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