Keys To Success: Praise


Give Praise

In my business coaching practice I always encourage my clients to use praise.  Regardless of whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or individual all of us like to receive praise.

Praise Must Be Genuine

There is a phrase, talk is cheap.  If praise is not genuine then talk can be expensive.  If you are looking for a quick way to fracture your team, damage friendships or alienate employees give acknowledgement that is not genuine.

People will pick up on the dishonesty and when they do they will distance themselves from you.  Over time they may become less productive and less loyal.  This can lead to increased expense and more turnover which can be very expensive.

Talk, when the praise is not genuine, can be very expensive.

Praise Must Be Heartfelt

You can genuinely praise someone and that is great.  Almost everyone loves recognition for their attributes, behavior or a job well done.

But, if the praise is not given from the heart it reflects badly back on the person who is giving it.  When it is given reluctantly or without enthusiasm it diminishes the person who gives it as well as the person who receives it.

Also when given without enthusiasm or back handedly it shows a very negative side to the person who is giving it.

Whether you are starting your own business or running a small business the proper use of praise is a wonderful way to build a team and loyalty.  Be sure it is genuine and heartfelt.

Praise Must Be Merited

There is nothing worse than to receive praise and to know it is being done for show and that in truth, there is very little, if any thing, very positive to merit the praise.

Yes, praise must be deserved.  Whether this is an individual situation or a small business the recognition that comes from praise must be deserved.  When praise is given and it is not deserved it will reflect badly on you and your organization.

Why?  It shows a lack of integrity.  It was not honest.

As you go through life use praise.  But when you do remember that it must be genuine, heartfelt and merited.  Praise is a great way to lift you and others up.

And, in the end, what you send out comes back.

Send out praise.


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