Keys To Success: Preparation For Tomorrow Begins Today


Preparation For Success

Preparation and success go hand in hand.  Rudy Guiliani, the mayor of New York City when 9/11 occurred had this to say:  “Your success will be determined by your ability to prepare.”

Here you are as possibly a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual seeking greater personal growth and success.  What do you do?

Preparation and Success

There are no overnight successes.  There is a great deal of preparation that leads to success.  Then when the situation presents itself you increase your odds of leading it successfully.  You may get recognition, like Guiliani, overnight, but his success and the leadership he displayed were years in the making.

Hopefully, you will never have a September 11 type situation in your life where there is no plan in place.  When you are a leader you must take action and rely on whatever preparation has taken place.

In the instance of 9/11 there were emergency drills that the fire and police departments followed.  This helped greatly during the crisis.   Preparation was key in addressing the crisis and having a pointed and effective response.

Preparation:  It’s Not In What You Do

When people look at preparation they think of rehearsing procedures, learning new skills, experimenting with potential improvements.  All of these are part of preparation.  But, even more important in preparation is what you believe.

If you believe that your preparation is good then when the time arrives you will use it.  If you don’t believe in how you are preparing then you will respond with some other plan.  Very often this is where bad things happen.

How often have you seen a situation where the commentary was, “If they had only followed procedures…….”  Yes, the preparation was there but the leaders and people didn’t believe in it. And the results were worse because of it.

Yes, you must believe in how you are preparing.

Preparation Changes Your Attitude

As a business coach, one of the things that I emphasize to my clients it that if you believe your success tomorrow depends on what you do today, then you will treat today differently.  When you treat today differently by embracing personal development and personal growth for tomorrow, the results in your business and life are going to be different.

With an attitude of preparation for something better you understand that what you receive tomorrow depends on what you believe today.  Believe in preparation.

If you are preparing for today, the chances are, you won’t be repairing tomorrow.  Preparation is the foundation for growth in your business and life.

When looking at the keys to success, always remember much of success is about continuous preparation.




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