Keys To Success: Priorities

Priorities--Are You On Target?

Priorities--Are You Hitting The Bulls-Eye?

What are your priorities?  There’s an old saying that if you chase two rabbits, both will escape.  Too often the self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional works his day as if he were chasing two or more rabbits.


Without priorities you will have no focus.  You will always feel like you are chasing two rabbits.  And, without focus you may have some momentary victories but long term success will remain elusive.

In business performance coaching one of the keys to success is to know your priorities.  What do you have to focus on to be successful?

Being a self-employed small business owner presents many challenges.  In small business coaching the goal is to create pathways to overcome those challenges.  When we don’t have priorities we start majoring in minors.  Every challenge takes on the same importance in our minds.

Pick one or two things that you must accomplish each day.  Make them your priorities.

Priorities—What You Don’t Like

In business success coaching I have observed that more often than not, the things we don’t want to do or like to do are the very things where if we addressed them would bring us more quickly a better business and a happier life.

Remember it is not your accomplishments that necessarily define you.  It is what you have to overcome to have accomplishments that will define you.  If you have many little accomplishments during a day that are not leading anywhere then you will end up with very little to show for your efforts.

Make it a habit to have priorities about things you don’t like or have been putting off.   Most of the time when you get into it things were not as bad as you imagined.

Priorities—Build Momentum

And, here’s another benefit.  With your priorities in place, you start building momentum and accelerate the pace of your small business growth.  Once you get into this mode you can feel unstoppable.

And, when your priorities are right and you feel unstoppable then you stop procrastinating.  As someone once said; “There is only one nation you don’t want to be a part of, the procrastination.”  Therefore whether you are running a small business or starting your own business you increase the odds of small business success when you set priorities and minimize or eliminate procrastination.

Priorities—Define Your Business And Your Life

Without priorities it is easy to become a wandering generality.  The goal is to be a meaningful specific in all that you do.  When you are specific and focused you can overcome more and accomplish much.

And with each step of accomplishment the door is now open for new priorities to overcome more things to accomplish more.  How come this is important?  When you become more in your small business and personally you can attract more.

Set your priorities.  Have goals to accomplish your priorities.  Tackle what you find yourself avoiding.  When you set your priorities and stay focused you will overcome, you will grow and you will increase the odds of having the business and life you desire.

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