Keys To Success: Problems

Problems-boxing gloves

Problems: Put On Your Boxing Gloves To Win

Problems and overcoming them is one of the keys to success.  After all, if there were no problems there wouldn’t be any way to measure success.  A wise philosopher once commented that an eagle’s only obstacle to overcome for flying with greater speed and ease is the air.  

Yet, if the air was withdrawn and the proud bird was to fly in a vacuum, it would fall instantly to the ground, unable to fly at all.  The very element that offers resistance to flying is at the same time the condition for flight.  

How Do You Look At Problems? 

In coaching success in my personal business coaching practice I have observed that most successful people have a different attitude about problems.  In a sense, they almost welcome them.  They see problems as an opportunity to become better to achieve personal or small business growth.  

Have an attitude of welcoming problems.  Problems are truly the necessary steps to success.  As Thomas Edison observed success in designing a light bulb was about learning over one thousand ways to fail before he succeeded.  In each design he had to overcome a new problem. 

But, because of persistence he succeeded.  He had an attitude of welcoming problems because he knew they were a necessary part of the process to succeed.  What is your attitude?

Problems And Overcoming Them:  Persistence

Yes, Edison was persistent.  But, he understood something more important.  He welcomed problems and the change they brought.  Very often people don’t attack problems because they don’t want the change that solving them brings. 

Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional you must have an attitude that not only wants to overcome problems but welcomes the change that overcoming them will bring. 

To have personal and small business success you must want to solve the problem and the change it will bring.  Too often, I see a business owner running a small business who wants improvement, yet somehow it remains elusive.   

It remains elusive because the problems and the challenges they present remain because he really doesn’t want change.   To overcome problems you must welcome the problem and the solution which means change.

Problems:  The Necessary Resistance For Growth And Measuring Success

Obstacles or problems are necessary conditions for your success.  The same holds true for your life.  A life free of all obstacles and difficulties would reduce our possibilities for success and powers to overcome problems to zero.

More importantly, without obstacles there is no way to measure success.  Without problems all of us could float through life successfully.  Yes, problems and overcoming them allow us to measure our success. 

Without problems our lives would have no meaning because it would be impossible to measure our success. Allow your problems to motivate you toward creativity and progress. Problems and overcoming them is one of the keys to success in building our self-esteem and to have the business and life you desire.

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