Keys To Success: Recognition

Keys To Success-RecognitionHow important is recognition as one of the keys to success in your business and life?  It is extremely important.  Without recognition employees can feel worthless, businesses can lose their sense of purpose and individuals may feel as if they are on the outside of life looking in. 

When the subject of recognition is brought up the first thing most people think of is an award or acknowledgement for something accomplished.  This is the outcome that is recognition.  More importantly, recognition is the mirror that others give us to evaluate our thoughts, feelings, activities and performance.  

There is also internal recognition which is important.  It is good to recognize what is going on within us.  But, it is the external measurements that are critical to building the momentum for the success you desire. 

Keys To Success-People are Hungry For Recognition

Everyone is hungry for appreciation or recognition.  As you interact with people make sure to take the time to show you care.  Make other people a priority over every other thing, including your agenda and schedule.  

You may be saying, now wait a minute.  I can’t always put people first.  I agree.  You can’t always put people first.  There is a distinction here between putting people first and making them a priority.  What you can do is let them know that they are a priority.  You do that through giving them recognition. 

Keys To Success-Recognition-People Are The Priority 

In coaching success, I can assure you that you may have the best systems in the world but you won’t have the best outcome if you don’t recognize and appreciate the people who make the system work.  People are the priority.  Without people engaged in a system it is not possible to have a consistently good outcome. 

Too often, the self-employed business owner is focused on outcome. In business coaching outcome is important.  But of even greater importance is process.  Process determines outcome.  And recognition of the people who are making the process work, and consistently providing it, is necessary to long-term success.

Keys To Success-Recognition Is Your Compass 

Take a look at yourself for a moment.  Whether you are an individual, employee, entrepreneur, solo professional or executive the recognition you receive, positive or negative, is your compass.  It is the feedback that tells you if the direction you are headed in is good. 

Small business success and small business growth are built on recognition.  If you are recognized for delivering a good product or service, your business will continue to grow.  If you are recognized as a business that does not deliver value then your business will fail. 

Seek recognition.  It is the feedback that will propel you to the next level.  And when it is positive it provides the motivation and momentum to take you to the next level.  When it comes to your keys to success in business and life make giving and receiving recognition a priority.

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