Keys To Success–The Power Of A Dream

Dream-Deep Thought

Dream-Deep Thought

I believe that each of us has a dream placed in the heart.  Stop for a moment and think about your dream for your life when you were a young boy or girl.

Most of the time that dream came in the form of how great life would be once we were on our own.  About the time we were twelve years old we started to realize that there was another world beyond the homes in which we grew up.

Your Dream Must Be Heartfelt

As adults people talk about their dream to win the lottery.  That’s not what I am talking about.  That is an idea that helps us escape present circumstances, not to pursue a heartfelt dream.

I am talking about a dream that is your vision deep inside of you that speaks to your very soul.  It’s a dream that speaks to what you were born to do.

Your Dream and Personal And Small Business Success

Your heartfelt dream allows you to draw on your talents and gifts.  It appeals to your highest ideals.  It gets you engaged in creating a path to your destiny.  It is inseparably linked to your purpose in life.

What is your purpose?  As a personal business coach one of my goals is to collaborate with my clients to identify their heartfelt dream and to create pathways to accelerate the process of making the dream a reality.

For the self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional small business success is measured in two ways.  First, is in having a profitable business.  The second one, which is much more elusive and is like a mirage to many, is to have a business where they have positioned themselves to be happy by using their gifts and talents.

Your Dream Brings Purpose

Your dream brings purpose and starts you on your growth and success journey.  Regardless of whether you are running a small business, work for a company or an individual your dream is your vision of the future.  It excites you.  If it doesn’t it is time to create a new dream.  Personal and small business success only happens if you have a dream.

You need to have a finished picture of the future in your mind.  Your dream will accomplish that.  And once you have that vision of the future then what you do in the present becomes meaningful and exciting.  Why?  You are living your life on purpose when you are building a life to an exciting future.

What A Dream Does For You

  • A dream gives us direction.
  • A dream increases our potential.
  • A dream helps us prioritize
  • A dream adds value to our work.
  • A dream predicts our future.

This last one; “A dream predicts our future” is my favorite.  It provides the steam to run your engine of success.  As for the past remember this saying, “No matter what a person’s past may have been, his future is spotless.”  Get out there and begin pursuing your dream today.

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