Keys To Success: The Problem Solving Process

Keys To Success: the problem solving processOne of the keys to success is problem solving.  More importantly, what is your problem solving process?  As a business coach, whether you are starting your own business or currently running a small business your future is determined in large part by your ability to solve problems and implement solutions.

Keys To Success:  Know the Front End And The Back End

Too often the entrepreneur, solo professional or self-employed business owner has to react almost immediately to a problem when it arises.  One of the keys to success is to know which type of problem you are dealing with. 

Many problems can be solved right away.  It’s the ones that demand extra thinking and a long-term approach that often get the short shrift in today’s hectic business world. 

When the United States decided to put a man on the moon most people would have said that the problem was to put a man on the moon.  And, they would have been correct, to a point.  There was also another problem.  How to bring a man back from the moon?  Think about it.  The mission would not have been successful if only the first problem, putting a man on the moon had a solution. 

As Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon said, “You only have to solve two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there; and second, how to get back.  The key is to not leave until you have solved both problems.”

One of the first keys in the keys to success in problem solving is to understand the problem from front to back.

Keys To Success:  Have A Solution

If you want support from others and to be a good problem solver never attack a problem without a solution.  Too often I see people who are great at bringing up problems but who are never able to bring a solution or be part of the solution. 

Whether you are running a small business, starting up your own business or looking at your personal life understand that people who are always bringing up the problems and no realistic or workable solutions are the problem.

Be a solution resource.  You will gain respect from others.  You will get their feedback and you will be more likely to come up with a solution that works for all concerned. 

People who bring up problems without offering solutions are like stir sticks.  They love to stir things up but really don’t want any responsibility for a solution to what they have stirred up.  Why?  They like getting the attention by doing just that, stirring things up.  If they were to bring a solution there would be nothing left to stir up. 

Be a person who brings a problem and a solution.  Don’t be a stir stick person.

Keys To Success:  Your Problem Solving Process

There are four components to keep in mind.  Success planning involves these four points. To successfully solve problems and to minimize the chance of them reoccurring:

  1. Have a sense of urgency
  2. Have a sense of commitment
  3. Pay attention to details
  4. Follow up 

In summary, successful problem solving combines:

  • Knowing the front and back end of the problem
  • Having a solution
  • Having a process for solving problems to minimize the chance of them reoccurring 

In short, to take your business and life where you want to go one of your keys to success is in your ability to solve problems, not only for the moment, but for the long-term.

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