Keys To Success: What’s Your Worth?

Keys To SuccessOne of the keys to success in business and life is to know your worth.  How come this is important? 

Think about it.  If you don’t know your worth there are two things that can happen.  You can undervalue your contributions.  Or, you can place too much value on what you do.  Either way it doesn’t feel good and is not a prescription for happiness. 

Keys To Success:  Don’t Undervalue You

When you undervalue your contributions or worth others are more likely to do the same.  How come we undervalue ourselves?  Maybe we don’t want to appear arrogant for fear of alienating co-workers or friends.  In reality, more often than not we are scared to take credit. 

When we take credit we take ownership.  When we take ownership, others are willing to give us more responsibility.  More responsibility means that we have to grow.  It means change.    

One of the keys to success is to embrace personal growth and the change that comes with it.  Change is that light at the end of the tunnel.  If we don’t embrace change that light may be a freight train coming at you. 

To move to the business and life you desire, know your worth.  Welcome change and growth.  When you do your worth to yourself and others will increase.

Keys To Success:  Don’t Overvalue You

On the flip side, if you overvalue your contributions this can alienate you from others and/or leave you in a perpetual state of unhappiness.  One of the keys to success is to understand that when you overvalue yourself it is usually because you don’t feel good about yourself. 

People who have to inflate their importance, their contribution or worth generally have low self-esteem.  There are many causes for low self-esteem which I won’t go into here. The key is to recognize your low self-esteem and to do something about it.

What can you do?  As with undervaluing yourself, you must embrace change.  You must get a more accurate perspective on your worth.  How do I do that you ask? 

The best way is to start asking others about the value you bring as a co-worker or friend.  This is not easy.  But, it is not difficult.  Find out what they think.  Even more important, find out how they feel. 

Keys To Success:  Use Others As Mirrors For Your Worth

Whether you overvalue or undervalue your worth neither is good for you and your long term happiness.  Whether you are a self-employed business owner, an individual, entrepreneur or solo professional it is critical to know your worth. 

Use others as mirrors to know your worth.  Too often, in coaching success I see people act as islands.  They have no idea as to their worth.  And with no idea they are afraid to act.  A perfect opportunity may pass in front of them but because they don’t know their worth they won’t act.

And, when others give you their perception don’t argue with them.  Thank them and think about what they said.  The quickest way to get rid of your mirrors is to strike back and try to crack them after they have given you a reflection. 

Whether you are looking for small business growth, personal growth or small business success you must understand your worth.  As a personal business coach I have seen the success people seek combine itself with happiness when they know their worth. 

Know your worth and you will be less outer directed by circumstances and other directed by people.  You will become more inner directed and that is one of the most important keys to success.

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