Keys To Success: When To Make Decisions

Decisions- Make them from the top when things are clear

Decisions: Good Decisions Come At The Mountaintop

One of the keys to success is to know when to make decisions.  I can look at my own businesses and times in my life when I have made decisions at the wrong time. 

In my personal business coaching practice I have observed that people make decisions at the worst time.  They make decisions when things aren’t going well.  And, as I look around and at my own life I see that making decisions when we are in a trough is not unusual. 

Keys To Success:  Make Your Decisions Based On Your Vision

Too often decisions are made when things aren’t going well.  You may have lost sight of your vision for personal or small business success.  In collaborating with individuals, self-employed business owners, solo professionals and entrepreneurs I believe that when things aren’t going right they feel stuck. 

What’s the quickest way to feel unstuck?  Make a decision, any decision.  There is a short term euphoria and adrenaline rush.  There is a sense of relief. 

At least you did something.  Yet it quickly fades away when reality sets in.  The reality is that things really aren’t going to change much and that the decision was based on panic or fear instead of a positive vision of the future. 

Keys To Success:  Make Your Decisions When You Are Up

Even when you are down, make your decisions based on your positive vision of the future.  Why?  You are more likely to make good decisions that are in alignment with the future you desire. 

If you don’t make decisions based on your positive vision of the future you probably are  going to have to spend time and energy at some point undoing your decision.  When you have to do that guess what happens?  You go right back into the valley of feeling stuck.  Why?  You don’t feel good because an unhealthy pattern of decision making is being repeated.

Keys To Success:  Good Decisions 

Whether you are running a small business, work in a company or looking at your personal life good decisions are ones you stick with over time and give you good results. 

In today’s hurry up world you may feel pressed to make decisions quickly, especially when you are in the valley where it is dark and unfriendly.  As I have pointed out, good decisions are less likely when you are in the valley. 

Understand that it takes, whether you are seeking small business growth or personal growth, a great deal of effort to get to the mountaintop, where you can see clearly and make good decisions.  Perseverance is the one attribute you must have to get to the mountaintop.

Instead of making decisions to relieve discomfort, make your decisions to advance your positive vision of the future.  If you don’t have a positive vision create one.  Set goals that are exciting to you.  Start today. 

The only way you get to the mountaintop to where you can see more clearly to make great decisions is to make the decision as to what the mountaintop looks like and how you are going to get there.  And, as I said earlier, you must persevere.

When you have your moments on the mountaintop you can see very clearly.  When you see very clearly this is the time to make major decisions.  And you will start a pattern of making good major decisions that will positively affect your business and your life.

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