Keys To Success: Your Power Is In Your Dream

Dream And You Will Win Your Trophy

Dream and The Trophy Is Yours

I remember as a little boy I liked to dream.  My favorites were the dreams that would catapult me into great situations.  One time I dreamed that I could fly.  Another time I dreamed I would win the State Championship in tennis.  Neither one of those happened.  It’s good that I didn’t try the first one because I wouldn’t be here today. 

The second dream was to be the best tennis player in New York State.  Although it didn’t happen the dream propelled me into becoming a very good player in the top 25 in the state.  During my freshman year in high school my tennis coach, Bill Snyder, always drilled into us to visualize what success would look like.  He asked us to focus on what it would look like and feel like to win. 

It All Starts With Your Dream

I dreamed about not only winning but what I would have to do to become a winner.  A profound change came over me when I became the first person to ever earn a varsity letter in any sport as a freshman.  The change that came over me was that I realized that dreams do come true. 

Another part of your dream is to do it in detail.  A general dream brings some momentary excitement but generally will not bring the sustained enthusiasm necessary for it to become a reality.

Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual your dreams and what you visualize will determine in large part your personal and business growth. 

To improve your business and your life you must have a dream about your improved performance.  Without it, not much will change.

Dream Weaver

As a personal business coach I can personally attest to the magic of dreams.  Where the real fun begins is when your business dreams and personal dreams start sharing the same stage. 

Too often the business dreams overtake or suffocate the personal dreams.  Running a small business in reality is running two small businesses.  The first small business is your business.  The second small business is your life. 

It’s important that you have two separate dreams, one for your business and one for your life.   Too often when running a small business or starting up your own business your business becomes your life and your life becomes your business. 

Have two separate dreams and then weave them together.  If your life is your business then you have made your life pretty small.  Business is just a splinter on the piece of wood that is life. 

Share Your Dream

Would you like your dreams to become reality?  Share your dream for business and for life with others.  When you do that you are more likely to achieve what you dreamed.  How come?  When you articulate to others what you want and what you see only then can they support you and help you get where you want to go. 

I shared my dream of being the best tennis player in New York State with my friends and family.  When I did they supported me in reaching for my goal.  Now you may be saying was it all worth it because I didn’t achieve my goal. 

The answer is an unqualified yes.  Because of my dream I became much better than I would have been without it.  I gained mastery of a sport.  I got to meet people and interact with people who I never would have met if I hadn’t become very good. 

More importantly it taught me a life lesson.  With my dream I lived my life on purpose.  High school was a good and exciting time.  My dream taught me the secret to building my self-esteem.  My dream was the foundation for my personal development.  As Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.

Discover Your Dream

Discover your dream.  Start taking action on it.  The present will become an exciting ride.  After all, once the future is finished in your mind then what you need to do in the present becomes absolutely clear.  Harness the power of your dream and start on your path to a better business and a more rewarding life.

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