Making A Great First Impression

“Much has been written on making a great first impression. But there are three points that I believe all of us need to be aware of and practice to make a great first impression.

  • Always Be Positive

    Are you the one who brightens the room? Do you add to conversations? Or do you focus on negative things and hog the air time in conversations? When the opportunity comes to talk negatively about someone, turn it down. It leaves an amazingly positive lasting impression on others. Let your reputation and your brand become those of positivity, grace and class.

  • Recognize Others

    When you walk into a room have the attitude of “There you are” toward others. Too often, a person walks into a room and his or her attitude is one of “Here I am.” To be good at recognizing others we can learn a lesson from dogs. A dog makes you feel great because it greets you with a “There you are!” attitude. The dog gives you recognition and acknowledges your presence. With people we need to do the same thing and also find things to appreciate and acknowledge them for. Be a good finder. Find something good in others and compliment, congratulate or acknowledge them. When you are busy giving others recognition you don’t need any yourself.

  • Give

    Most people are after getting….and they wonder why they don’t. Look for ways to contribute, provide, help, offer and assist. This goes back to what Zig Ziglar said is the golden rule of relationships. “you can get everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

Give first or give often or give last or give first, often and last. Regardless practice give, give, give. The result will be many deposits of good will in your relational bank account. Interestingly, the more you deposit into someone’s bank account the more valuable you are to them.

This will keep most of your relationships on the positive side of the ledger. Are there times when you will make withdrawals? Yes. But when you build up a surplus of good will complaints very often turn into requests for better communication and service. Build a surplus of wealth in your personal bank accounts by making a good first impression and subsequently by making more good impressions.

Deposit as much as you can and as often as you can. To make that great first impression, keep these three points in mind.

  • Always be positive
  • Recognize others
  • Give

Build your reputation on seeking to help, give, assist, empower and support. In return, as Zig Ziglar promises, you will GET everything you want in life.

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