Personal Foundation-How To Walk Tall In Business And Life

Personal Foundation-Under Construction

Continuously Build Your Personal Foundation To Have The Success You Desire

Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual seeking greater personal or small business success, your personal foundation will be the key to achieving it.  Walking tall means having the success to stand out or stand above the crowd. 

How come personal foundation is critical to your long term success?  In order to have personal and small business growth you must have a strong personal foundation upon which you can build to become more and attract more.

Personal Foundation Defined Is:

  1. What you do.
  2. Who you are
  3. How you do it

In order to walk tall in business and life your personal foundation must be strong in all areas.  If you look at the foundation for a one story home it appears to be a fairly thick slab of concrete reinforced with steel rods. 

What if you were to put a 20 story building on that foundation.  It would fail.  This is exactly what happens in small business and life.  As a personal business coach one of the most important keys to success is to have my clients build a strong personal foundation to support their goals and dreams. 

Without it, like the 20 story building built on a one story home foundation, they are destined to fail.

Personal Foundation—The What

The “What” of personal foundation is what you predominantly do with your daily life.  Work, activities or both are what define who we are to the outside world and to ourselves.  What we do is a metaphor that expresses outwardly “Who” we are.

Personal Foundation—The Who

The “Who” of personal foundation is “Who” we truly are.  For example, maybe you are a CPA who does taxes.  That is “Who” you are to the outside world.   Maybe you don’t like being a CPA.  You don’t like the details, the rules and the complexities. 

For many individuals this is how they are living their lives.  They are doing something they don’t enjoy.  When you are running a small business or start your own business the key is to find something that is truly in alignment with “Who” you are.

Most often failure in business and life comes from getting into something that does not honor “Who” you are.  When you do this you burn out and can burn many business and personal relationships. Being in alignment with “Who” you are is critical to building a strong personal foundation.

Personal Foundation—The How

How you do what you do determines how people feel about the ultimate product or service you deliver.  This reflects not only on what you do but who you are.  Maybe you love what you do.  It honors who you are.  Yet, how you deliver the product or service falls short. 

When this happens you are starting on a downward path. And just as a foundation can fail, ultimately your business and life can fall apart if the “How” of personal foundation is not strong.

Be strong in the “What” the “Who” and the “How.”  You will be building a strong personal foundation where you can walk tall and turn your dreams and goals into reality.

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