Reflection And Listening To That Small Voice From Within

Do you practice reflection?  How often have you stuffed a negative feeling?  Most of us have at one time or another.  Is that good?  It depends.  The key to getting clear and moving forward is to take the time for reflection.

Sometimes in business and life something or someone comes along and things just don’t feel right.  Logically, things may seem to be okay.  But emotionally there are questions. 

Whether you are an employee, own a small business or an executive when things aren’t feeling right there is one thing you must do.  Stop! 

Yet, most of us do not stop.  The tendency for most of us is to plow ahead into the next task and stuff those feelings. 

The next thing you know these negative feelings accumulate over a period of time and ultimately erupt like hot lava out of a volcano.  That isn’t good for any one.

Here’s a tip.  Stop and address those feelings as soon as possible.  Your mind and heart are telling you that it is time to reflect and evaluate.  It is time to stop and relax, so to speak, for a moment.  Relax and get your bearings.  Plan your response. 

When that small voice from within says things aren’t right, find out if that is really true.  If you don’t know whether or not things are right that raises doubt.  Doubt begets confusion and fear.  And fear spawns unhappiness.

The result is that our energy is diminished.  When our energy is less we do not accomplish as much in the time that we have.  Ultimately, we feel worse about ourselves. 

Stop!  It is the only way to gain perspective and to stay grounded.  When that small voice from within says something isn’t right.  Stop and find out if it is right.  If it isn’t then change your perspective. 

Only when you change your perspective will you have changed your thinking and be able to move forward with energy.  The next time something comes up that doesn’t feel right, stop. 

Take time to reflect and evaluate.  Then plan your response.  Your response only may be your internal response as to how you are going to look at things. 

Thinking about your response in many instances, instead of immediately reacting will put you in a better position to move forward in your business and life.   

Yet, there are times where reacting to a situation is best.  If you know something or someone is presenting the same negative situation and you have a choice, your immediate reaction should be to choose not to participate. 

Keep in mind to reflect and evaluate.  Think about how you can relax and respond.  Know how to listen to that small voice from within.  It will put you in a position to be happier and more productive.

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