Small Business Success: Facing The Enemy From Within–Fear


Small Business Success

Small Business Success

Small business success is about courage and fear.  We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Let’s talk about fear for a moment.  Your fears can come from your own experiences.  They can come from what someone has told you or by what you see on TV.

Small Business Success and Fear

Here’s the key to small business success.  We must understand that some fears are valid.  You don’t want to be walking in a bad part of town at 2 in the morning.  You learn to avoid that situation.  When you do, you won’t live in fear of it.  Small business success is about knowing the real fears from the ones that are self-imposed.

Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us. And, to have small business success, fear must be overcome.

How To Overcome Fear For Small Business Success

How do we overcome fear and move onto having a successful small business and a good life?  The answer is in taking action.  Action cures fear.

Before looking at the actions to take first, we must understand that fear comes from two areas.  There is the fear of failure.  Everyone is familiar with that.  And, then there is the fear of success.

The fear of failure will cause you to avoid taking action.  The fear of success will cause you to avoid taking action to have a successful small business.  Notice the key in each is the failure to take action.  Small business success is about taking the action to move forward.  Small business success is understanding that you will fail and that is how to move forward.

The fear of failure causes us not to take action because we are afraid of the consequences.  The key here is to determine if the fear is real.  A real fear is one where no matter how we look at it the consequences are not good.  If you are thinking of jumping off a 20 story building to the street there is good reason to be afraid.  No matter how you look at it, there are no good outcomes.

Small Business Success And The Fear Of Success

What about the fear of success?  This is a little trickier.  In fact, it is subtle and most people don’t recognize that this is what is holding them back from having a successful small business and a good life.

To overcome the fear of success you must have a positive vision of a successful outcome.  Very often small business owners decide against growth and success because they have not created a positive vision of the future.

To overcome the fear of success you must have a positive vision of a successful outcome.  To do this you must have a successful vision of the future.  Once the future is finished in your mind, then what you need to do in the present becomes absolutely clear.

Once you know what you need to do in the present then you can start taking the actions for small business success. When facing your fears, you have a choice.  You can choose to be all.  You can choose to be less.

Choose to be all.  Create a positive vision of the future.  Take action on your vision. When you do you will start overcoming your fears and move toward small business success.  Only when you see in your mind all that you can be, can you strive to achieve the ultimate outcome.

Create the vision of your success for business and life in your mind.  Then you can start taking action.  Action cures fear and brings small business success.

Remember, small business success is not about the number of times you fail.  It is about the number of times you succeed.  And, the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times you can fail and keep trying to achieve the small business success you desire.

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