Standing Outside The Fire: Success Is Getting Into The Fire-Part 2

Standing Outside The FireBeginning part two of our series, Standing Outside The Fire, referencing the song by Garth Brooks we will look at some of the fears that keep us from growth and success.  We learned that fear causes the self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional to be standing outside the fire and court failure.

Whether you are seeking greater small business growth, small business success or greater personal growth you must get into the fire.

As the refrain of the song says so well, “Standing outside the fire.  Standing outside the fire.  Life isn’t tried it is merely survived when you are standing outside the fire.”  Here are some tips to take you to get you into the fire, out of survival and to stability, success and significance.

Standing Outside The Fire Is About Survival, Not Success

If there was a formula for personal and small business success someone would have patented it and we would follow it and be successful.  Why is when you are starting your own business or in the early stages of running a small business you are willing to get into the fire?

Everything is about survival.  You will do anything to survive.  But as you approach stability fear seems to take over and extreme caution can set in.

Standing Outside The Fire—Not Feeling Good About Yourself

One of the joys of owning a small business is the incredible high you feel when things are going in the right direction.  Conversely, one of the low points of owning a small business is feeling lower than low when things aren’t going right.

When things aren’t going right you don’t feel good about yourself.  When you don’t feel good about yourself you will find yourself standing outside the fire.  Burn this fear of yourself by getting into the fire and doing something positive for you and your business.

Standing Outside the Fire—Unfamiliar Territory

It is natural to experience fear as you and your business grow.  Too often the thought and fear of going to new or unfamiliar territory will stop personal and small business growth.  Once again, you are standing outside the fire.

Remember that the only path to growth in business and life is to explore and conquer unfamiliar territory.  Get into the fire. Everyone else who has grown has done it and so can you.

Standing Outside The Fire—A Feeling Of Helplessness

What’s less frightening?  Pushing through a fear or the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness?

Standing outside the fire is the feeling of helplessness.  It can be crippling.  Be committed to getting into the fire of your fears.  Only when you get into the fire can you push through them and burn them up.

As a marketing business coach and personal growth coach I can assure you that getting into the fire is the only path to success.

Let’s look at the refrain of the song once again, , “Standing outside the fire.  Standing outside the fire.  Life isn’t tried it is merely survived when you are standing outside the fire.”

Sometimes you may get burned.  But with a burning commitment to no longer be standing outside the fire you will be on your own personal path to personal and small business success.

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