Success In Business And Life: It’s About Being Above Average

Seldom will your income, happiness, sense of fulfillment and the quality of your relationships exceed your personal development. This is true whether you have a small business or work for a company. 

If you see yourself as an average person what is going to make you stand out and attract more than the next person?  Life and business is a competition.  Seeing yourself as average is the way others will see you.  Ask yourself if that gives you an edge?  Nor does it give you a great sense of fulfillment or happiness.  

Would you like that to change?  Then start focusing on your personal development.  That’s what will put you above the crowd.

There is nothing wrong with being average except for how it makes you feel.  Think about it.  Would you rather see yourself or be seen by others in some way as being above the norm?  Of course you would.  

Unfortunately, many of us take the average approach to business and life.  Small business success truly comes to those who have decided to be above average.  How do you put yourself above the crowd?  You commit to excelling in areas of your business and life.  

How do you commit?  You do what most people would rather not do.  You take a risk.  You decide to step out and become more.  When average rules your life everything is in balance.  When things are in balance there is no growth.  Without growth there is very little excitement and passion.  

Growth, excitement and passion can only take place if you get out of balance.  They take place when things are incongruous, or not fitting exactly together.  Balance is not a bad thing.  

We all need to have some balance.  But, when balance or stability becomes an end unto itself then you settle into a life of deadening uniformity. Each new day looks pretty much the same as the last.  

When you are standing and not moving you are in balance.  The only way you can move forward is to take a step.  When you take a step you are out of balance.  I think you get the picture.  

How can you get out of balance to enjoy more in business and life?  Start learning about something new that interests you.  Take a look a relationship or situation you know could work better and figure out a new approach.  

Or you could say “yes” to something where you have always said “no”.  Or you could say “no” to something where you have always said “yes”.   Take a step out of your comfort zone.  The comfort zone can be the zone of mediocrity.  

Challenge yourself to have more of what life has to offer.  The first step is to become more.  Only when you become more through personal development will you attract more and have more.  Once you stand out as person you are no longer average. You start experiencing a new, fulfilling aspect of what life has to offer. 

And, here is the most important part.  If you attract more and have more because you have become more, you will keep it.  Without personal development we can experience success but it will, more likely than not, be fleeting.

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