Success Planning For The New Year

Success Planning: Winning Crossing The Finish LineAs this year comes to a close it is important to focus on your success planning for next year.  This is a great time to pause and look back on what you and your business have accomplished.  

Success Planning:  It’s For Everyone

One of the keys to success, whether you are an entrepreneur, solo professional or self-employed business owner you must evaluate where you have been to know how to chart your course for the future.  As it is said, failing to plan is planning to fail.  

Success Planning:  Getting Started

So take out that pencil or pen and start on your success planning for 2011. 

  1. List your accomplishments both business and personal. And also add a sentence as to what these accomplishments meant to you.  Your accomplishments are the foundation on which to build your future.  If you don’t know where you have been it is harder to get where you want to go.
  2. Now that you have your foundation write down no more than 5 things you want to accomplish in 2011. You can go to 2012 and beyond if you like.  This is extremely important to your success. These are your goals.
  3. Take those 5 items you want to accomplish and prioritize them.  Number one will be the most important.  And, next to each one write down how you are going to accomplish it and give yourself a time frame.  For example, I will increase my number of sales calls to 10 per week by March 1, 2011.

When you do this, which may take you a few minutes to an hour you now have your business and personal plan for 2011.  It’s that simple.  

Success Planning;  Putting The Odds For Success In Your Favor

Do you want to increase the odds of small business success and small business growth?  Then do the three things above.  It has been shown if you write things down you put the odds in your favor of having these things happen.  

Whether you are in the thought stage of creating your own business, at the point of starting your own business or running a small business success planning is a critical element to your eventual success.  

In business coaching and as a personal business coach I can assure you that when you engage in success planning, you are much more likely to have a favorable outcome.  Coaching success is about having a plan.  Why is success planning important?  

There are many reasons, but the primary one is that you are creating your vision of the future that you want.  Once you create your vision of the future that you desire it causes you to start living in the present on purpose.  

When you are conducting your business and life on purpose things become specific and exciting.  When you live in general terms you are much more likely to wander off course and your daily life may seem like a slog through the mud. 

Once the future is finished in your mind, then what you need to do in the present becomes absolutely clear.  In 2011 make your business and life meaningful and specific.  Oh by the way, you will have more energy and you will use your time more wisely.  

If you truly want to move ahead in your business and life I have one other suggestion.  I will be up front.  This is a shameless self-promotion.  Go to my site at Business Keys To Success and sign up for my five month fixed term membership course.  My course will start you on your path of success planning and having the business and life you desire.  Each week you will receive a lesson in your email designed to take your business and life to the next level.  

You can work at your own pace.  This membership course is about self-coaching to accelerate the process of your successful performance.  This is not a business training course.  This is a course about you, as a self-employed business owner, embracing your personal development.  

How come personal development is critical to your success?  Think about this.  Whether you desire more income, happiness, a larger business or whatever you want more of, it will seldom exceed your personal development.  

Take a moment right now and go to and make the most important investment you can make.  Start your success planning for the new year and make the investment in your most important asset, you.

To move forward with success planning you must understand that your business and life will get no bigger than your thinking.  Sign up now and put your success planning on the fast track to having the business and life you desire.

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