Success Planning: How to Become More And Have More In 2011

Success PlanningSuccess planning is always a relevant topic but it takes on special significance at the end of each year.  This is the time where all businesses, whether they are large corporations or run by self-employed business owners, take stock of theiraccomplishments and results. It is also a time where people take stock of their relationships and the quality of their lives. 

Success Planning:  It’s Your Life

As a personal business coach I can assure you that success planning applies to all areas of our lives.  And, if you want to see better things in 2011 than you did in 2010 then you must plan for it. 

Whether you are an entrepreneur, solo professional striving for greater small business success or an individual seeking greater fulfillment in life, success planning is critical. Small business growth and success will seldom exceed your personal development.

Success Planning:  Where Do I Start?

So now you see the value of success planning.  The next question is where do I start?  For the purposes of this post I am not going to restrict this to having greater small business success.  In truth, whether you are starting your own business or running a small business your success will never be any bigger than your thinking.

Let’s start with thinking.  Without a change in thinking nothing new, improved or better will come into your life.  Here are the steps for your success planning becoming a reality:

When you change your thinking the next thing that happens is that:

  • You change your habits. 
  • When you change your habits it causes you to change your activity. 
  • When you change your activity it changes your results. 
  • When you change your results it changes your life.


Having the formula for success planning is a good start.  The next question is what areas do you want to see change and improvement?  I have found the following to be a good guideline to getting started.

  • Spiritual—Conducting your business and life more in alignment with who you are.  This is important because it is the true path to greater satisfaction and happiness.
  • Family—How are you going to make these relationships healthier or better?
  • Business—What are you going to commit to do to improve your business?
  • Financial—What are your financial goals to make your life better?
  • Personal—What are you going to commit to do that helps you
  1. Mentally
  2. Physically
  3. Fun things for you to do

Success Planning:  Create Your Formula For Success

As you can see, success planning incorporates many things.  Pick one or two areas where you will commit to change.  The next step is critical.  If you are serious about increasing your odds for success you must do the following:

  • Write down your goals as to what you want to accomplish.
  • Write down a time frame for them to be accomplished
  • Read over them daily at least 5 days a week. 


The last one, reading over your goals, is the most difficult but it is extremely important.  If you continually read your goals they become a part of your subconscious mind.  When they become part of your subconscious mind you are much more likely to act on them and succeed in accomplishing them.

The keys to success are in your mind.  Take the time to do your success planning for 2011.  Coaching success is about having a plan and executing it.  Whether you are creating your own business or work in a company success planning is critical to move you forward to having the life you desire.  The formula for success works.  The only question is whether or not you will follow the formula. 

Enjoy the success planning experience and look forward to all the good that is going to come your way in 2011.

One comment on “Success Planning: How to Become More And Have More In 2011

  1. Christy Czekaj on said:

    Great article. As you know my goals for 2010 got sidetracked, but as I went over the list I realized that some were goals with no passion and I had no drive to complete them. My goals for 2011 are more focused and they reflect my talents and passions and not “what are traditional goals”. Thanks for having the courage to just be you. You are a great encouager

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