Successful Business Owner? You Must Overcome Fear

=alt"business owner"You are now a business owner and are taking on the world.  It sounds good and feels good when you tell others, “I self-employed and own my own business.” 

The Reality As A Business Owner

As a business coach here’s a little secret that you probably already know.  The easiest part, although it can take incredible time and energy, is in starting your own business.  That’s when the enthusiasm is the highest.  You act and think as though you cannot fail.

Then reality hits.  You are running a small business.  Are expenses exceeding income?  Where are those sales I was counting on?  And my operation which I set up to be smooth is like a ride on a very bumpy road. 

In starting your own business very often your dream is to have more time and more money.  Somehow everyone else wants your money and your time.  In business coaching, very often, this is where fear takes over. 

The reality for the business owner in running a small business, which many self-employed entrepreneurs and solo professionals don’t focus on in the start up phase, is that it must make a profit.  To be a successful business owner you must take money in, pay money out and have something left over. 

As A Business Owner Fear Can And Will Creep In

It is that something left over part that many of us have trouble with.  And, when we do fear creeps in and can stop us in our tracks.  Even worse it can cause us to lose perspective. 

You may have a great deal of training in what you are doing.  Possibly you have taken a course here and there to upgrade your skills and abilities.  Yet, when fear takes over things come to a halt.

We start to procrastinate even more.  Resources are scarce.  Where am I going to spend money?  Who can I call and pay late?  At this point the negative self talk ramps up. What if I don’t……..or what if this doesn’t happen……or what if…….it goes on and on.

When the month ends there seems to be too much month and too little money.  At this point, the small business success that the business owner has dreamed about and believed in so strongly a short time ago has disappeared. 

What A Successful Business Owner Must Do

One of the biggest challenges as a business owner is to keep your self-confidence and keep your momentum.  I know how it feels.  I have been there.  I have built and run companies as large as 80 people and several million dollars a year in revenue.  I have had more month than money.  I have had to call vendors to tell them I was going to be paying late.

How do you stay on the right track and at the top of your game?  First and foremost you must overcome your fears.  Fears come in many forms.  It could be what people are going to think of you or say to you because you are having difficulty. 

In my Business Keys To Success membership course you can learn how to keep a good perspective and to overcome fear and the procrastination that comes with it.  Fear and overcoming it is one of your keys to success as a business owner.

Invariably, business success is about overcoming.  Too often we put too much energy into the worry that goes with having a problem instead of focusing on how to grow bigger than the problem and overcome it.  As a result you can become stuck or feel overwhelmed. 

In the Business Keys To Success membership course at you will discover ways to get unstuck and to overcome fear.  This course is not for everyone.  As a business owner, to have the business success you desire, you must be committed to being more and having more in your business and life. 

How do you commit?  By investing in the most important asset in your business, you.  Fear and worry are going to be a part of being a business owner and a part of life. 

Here’s a parting thought.  You can’t let fear, like a mad dog, drive you into a corner.  To have the business success you desire you must attack fear and drive it into a corner.  For the successful business owner, action does cure fear.

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