Plan A Vacation And Plan For Success
Vacation sets the table for greater personal and business success. It allows the self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional to step outside themselves.
When you step outside yourself you become an observer of your business and life. Only when you become an observer, instead of a daily participant, can you begin to see clearly what you do, how you do it and your results.
Vacation—Become An Observer
Vacation makes you an observer because it forces you to step outside your normal routine. If you are seeking greater personal or small business growth then take the vacation break.
Just as a muscle cannot develop when it is always worked, neither can you have the personal development and small business success that you seek unless you get away and become an observer.
Being a business performance coach is similar in many ways to being an athletic coach. You engage in routines that will build performance. You tweak them. And at some point you rest. Then at some point you take an extended break. Look at your top athletes and all of them take an extended break. It is called the off season.
During the off season they stay in shape but they do something more important. They study films and look for ways to improve their techniques and performance. They become observers.
Vacation Is The Rest That Strengthens You
A muscle needs a break and rest in order to grow and develop. And the small business owner, whether you are running a small business or starting your own business needs to schedule, needs to take a break and rest in order for him and his business to grow.
Even in nature, virtually nothing grows all the time. There are times where plants and animals take a break from growth. Only when you take a break can you grow. Unlike the plants and animals which have no choice, we as human beings have been given the dignity of choice.
We can choose an extended rest or not. Choose a vacation and you will increase the odds of your personal growth and small business growth.
Vacation—A Change In Attitude
As a small business coach one of the most important benefits from a vacation can be a change in attitude. This becomes apparent when the self-employed business owner returns.
Vacation allows you to heal up. You become very sensitive to pain. The nice calmness that vacation brings over you can turn to turbulence very quickly.
And with this increased sensitivity it is easier to see where changes need to be made. When we are in the middle it is harder for us to see and act. I have observed that some of the greatest progress in small business occurs when the owner returns from vacation.
Where there was tolerance of things that weren’t quite right or processes that were irritating, vacation and the clear perspective it brings creates the impetus for positive action.
After all, you are feeling good and calm after vacation and you want to retain that feeling as long as you can. You can more clearly see what is getting in your way and creating turbulence and discord. Your attitude becomes one of eliminating the discord.
This is called progress. Taking a vacation is about progress. Take a vacation and become an observer. Take a vacation and have the rest to build strength. And, take a vacation have the attitude on your return to make changes to improve your business and life.