Small Business Growth And The Ant’s Formula For Success

Small business growth is the one common denominator in small business coaching.  In my small business coaching practice, there is not an owner or professional I have collaborated with or supported who does not want to grow. 

And, their desire small business growth has two motivations.  The first is financial.  Improved sales and profits will allow the business to grow.  The second motivation has to do with their desire and vision for greater freedom.

After all, for most, self-employment is the road to greater freedom and abundance.  Of course there are other motivations but I chose these because they dominate.  The motivation for improved finances and the freedom in lifestyle that it can bring are the twin pillars to drive small business growth.

For all of you, there is a  formula for successfully creating your own business.

Do you have focus?  Discipline?  Passion?  A Process?  A Can Do Attitude?  Willing To Give More Than Expected?

Nature is a great teacher and gives many examples for us to attain success.  In nature, the plants, animals, insects and others do not have a choice.  It is about survival.   They choose to be all they can be. 

We as human beings always have a choice.  We can choose to be all we can be.  Or, we can choose to be less.

Let’s take a look at the Ants to see what the possibilities are with a great attitude and motivation.

They certainly have focus.  They are very disciplined in what they do.  They are very passionate about the process and definitely have a “can do” attitude.  On top of that they always give more than what is expected.

Ants are EXPERTS at running a successful small business!

To have your small business grow, look to the ants.  Their formula for creating your own business and running it successfully works.  The only question is whether or not you will follow the formula.

I’d like your thoughts on what you believe should be in the formula for your success.  Feel free to comment below…

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