The Best Small Business Strategy: Persistence

What is the best small business strategy for success?  When you successfully are creating your own business or running your own business, there is no substitute for persistence

 To have persistence you must have a strong belief in what you are doing.  You must be passionate about it.  And, you must have faith.

 Belief:  What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.  Have a strong vision of what a successful future will look like.  When you do, this vision will guide you to taking action in the present to make that future a reality.

  1. Passion:  Remember, enthusiasm makes things 1,000 percent better.  You must be sold on yourself being successful at what you are doing.  If you are not sold on you, no one else will be either. 
  2. Faith:  Knowing that although you can’t see or touch your ultimate vision of success that realizing it is a reality because you are on the right track to attain it. 

Persistence is absolutely essential to overcoming the challenges that growing your small business demands.  Without belief, passion and faith it is difficult to persist and overcome. 

You will get knocked down.  Being knocked down is resistance.  When you do meet resistance, it will be persistence that will get you back up.  When the going gets tough and the road may seem like a slog through the mud maybe you are being given a signal to change. 

Welcome that signal. Persistence welcomes change.  Staying the course in spite of failure  is about making discoveries that will change you and bring you success.

Keep going!  Remember, you are not judged by the number of times you fail. 

You are judged by the number of times you succeed.  And, the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times you can fail and keep trying. 

I invite you to share any stories you have about persistence and overcoming challenges.

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